15lb Black Widow Pearl
*SOLD*RIght Handed
Single Drill
Span: 4-11/16 both fingers, no finger inserts, thumb slug only
Layout: Pin 4-3/4 to Pap, MB 4-3/4 to Pap, pin over ring finger, mb 2 inches right of thumb
Less than 10 games
Cover in Excellent Condition
http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/9339/bwp1di1.jpgAsking for $80 shipped
14lb Black Widow Pearl
*SOLD*Single Drill
Right Handed
Span: Approx a little over 4 inches with grips
Pin under ring, MB 2 inches right of thumb
Low Games
Cover in excellent condition
Asking $80 shipped
15lb Black Widow Pearl
*SOLD*Single Drill
Left handed
Span: 4 inches with grips
Pin over bridge with MB 1 inches left of thumb
Low Games
Cover in excelelnt condition
Asking $80 shipped
15lb No Mercy
*SOLD*3.5 inch pin
Left Handed
Single Drill
#1 Layout, pin next to ring and one inch above, hart right of thumb
Span: 4 inches both fingers, Finger & Thumb Inserts
Cover in Excellent Condition
http://img57.imageshack.us/img57/3356/nomercyleftyxf0.jpgAsking $60 shipped
14lb Hammer Toxic
*SOLD*Second drill
Left Handed
Span: 4-13/16 both fingers
Finger inserts and Thumb Slug
*1st drill was for a righty, pin over bridge with the cg kicked out a half inch, no hole.
*2nd drill is for a lefty now, pin over ring finger, cg in center of grip.
Has a gash in it. Easy to fix.
Cover in good condition overall.
http://img168.imageshack.us/img168/7018/toxicss7.jpgAsking $40 shipped
Team Banger Bowling Test Staff
Edited on 2/12/2008 9:48 AM
Edited on 2/15/2008 2:10 AM
Edited on 2/16/2008 10:27 PM
Edited on 2/16/2008 10:28 PM
Edited on 2/28/2008 11:50 AM