15lb Black Widow Venom
Single Drill, Right Handed
Span: 4-5/8 both fingers, no finger inserts, thumb slug only
Layout: Pin over ring , MB 2 inches right of thumb
Condition: Great Condition, Low Games
http://img204.imageshack.us/my.php?image=13692243my1.jpgAsking $65 shipped
15lb Psycho
Single Drill, Right Handed
Span: 4-5/8 both fingers, no finger inserts, thumb slug only
Layout: Pin over middle finger, CG slightly right of center
Condition: Great Condition
http://img100.imageshack.us/my.php?image=38494403lu3.jpgAsking: $55 Shipped
Willing to sell both for $115.00
Edited on 9/25/2009 11:26 AM