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Author Topic: WTB: 14# Hammer Equipment (the more random the better)  (Read 1348 times)


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WTB: 14# Hammer Equipment (the more random the better)
« on: January 06, 2012, 01:58:30 AM »
I'm kind of a Hammer whore...


If you have any old 14# stuff (Faball or Ebo) drop me a line...


Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Diesel or Vicious or Blade laying around shoot me a PM
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM



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Re: WTB: 14# Hammer Equipment (the more random the better)
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 04:15:00 PM »
Up to the top please!
Looking for any 14lb Hammers, particularly older oddball stuff.
So if you have a 14lb Faball or Diesel or Vicious or Blade or Hawg laying around shoot me a PM