Hahaha, yeaaaa, I'm amped to get it punched again. My arsenal is in storage, but what I got out for now is a Shift, Silver Streak SE, and now the Vibe. In storage, my Dimension, TRoad Pearl (love love love), Psycho, and Copperhead (love also). Hahaha. I pretty much only need the Vibe, SS, and TROAD for league, but I bring the Copperhead too, I have it polished and it positively rips the rack from anywhere. The first 2 matches after I got it were both like 730, and I had the front 8, 3 times in 2 matches, and the front 9 once ( damn 10 pin on a stuffed shot too)
Brett Pro Staff is "Loaded" with Incentives.
Waiting For The One,
The Day That Never Comes,
Stand Up and Feel The Warmth,
But The Sunshine Never Comes,
No, The Sunshine Never Comes.
Metallica FTW \m/