I never review bowling balls, but the secret is out on this one so here it goes: Absolutely awesome!
My average is only 167, and the first day I bowled with this ball I bowled my highest series ever - a 672. Had a 227, 189 (open ninth - pocket 7-10 split), and a 256! Late in the second game I should have moved left. After moving left, from the tenth frame of the second game through the entire third game, it was strikes for all but two frames. I am a crappy bowler and this ball was making me look great. I felt guilty, honestly. First time a rolled the ball before league, I rolled a spare the first frame because it went Brooklyn after that it was six strikes in a row.
Ball was drilled strong - pin to the right of, and slightly above fingers, and mass bias ~ two inches right of thumb. I stood way left and aimed over third arrow moving closer to fourth arrow as the night went on. The ball did need to hit some dry boards to come back, but man - just send it outside anywhere and it comes back to the pocket - like a magnet, unbelievable. The outside shot is normally where I play, but the lanes where I bowl have been tough out there lately - very small margin of error, but inside-out was easy as pie. I had a good five boards of error at the down lane break-point. Even a couple of grabbed releases went for strikes - The ball should be illegal.
I only hope my bowling can live up to the performance of this ball.