This ball is the nicest rolling and hardest hitting ball i have ever thrown, it does not over hook in dry and rolls nice in oil, not an over/under ball, i have not been close to an 800 or a 300 in a while, actually awhile since i was consistently shooting 700's, now the second week i have had it i have averaged 259 consisting with two sets in the 770's, won 1 side pot, and 2 super pots and now the ball is paid for with money in my pocket, the lanes break down you can swing it more without suffering carry, not many 10 pins left, most of the 10's left was the bowler not the ball. If the lane carry down you can play tighter and score, i thought i would never buy a hammer but after watching my brother get it after the first week and go 300, 299 back to back i was impressed. I have new confidence in hammer with this one, highly recommend this ball to anyone, my brother and myself are power players but have seen people that have had less roll than us do well also