Wow, talk about a tale of two balls. I got this one used a few weeks back and was not at all impressed during the early going. In box finish, the ball grabbed early and hooked too hard if I tried to stroke it, but it loped off of the dry and hit weak if I tried to swing it. Well, I threw this baby in the Lustre King for 2 minutes to give it some shine and we're talking about a totally different bowling ball. It's drilled pin above bridge, cg stacked below but slightly shifted toward pap. The polish helps the ball clear the front of the lane but now when it turns over it just keeps coming. I was able to just keep moving left and chucking right and this ball just laughed and kept flying back. The hit has also improved mightily with the polish. The only down side is that I wanted this ball for lighter mediums, and there is no way that it will handle that. But now I have a ball that will allow me to open up the lane from deep inside on thicker mediums. The difference in this ball from dull to polished is as drastic as was the case with my teal pro rhino back in the day. Dull, that ball sucked, shiny it rocked. So, if you haven't enjoyed the reaction that you've been getting from this one, play with the surface and you just might find a winner. I know that I'm very happy that I did.
I can't bowl 300, but I can bench 310 : )