A few years ago when I switched from bowling w/ thumb to 1 hand without, I got a 11 lb scout to learn how to do this.
The ball didn't flare at all.
Take away point:
Yes it will hook. At least on a house shot - get it in the dry outside and it'll move, although will have to be more direct.
Depending on rev rate, a ball that doesn't flare can created terrible carry down, even a reactive. But I was working on no thumb release. If rev rate is low, probably doesn't matter.
Power of ball hitting pins is: [(speed squared) X Weight] / 2
So a lighter ball will carry, provided speed is increased. Unfortunately with an 11 lb ball, unless there is a very high rev rate, if it's thrown so hard to compensate for the low weight, then it won't have chance to get into the roll phase.
But the worst thing is to try to use a ball too heavy on an injury (which I've done as well and really set me back). If can work up to 12 lbs, then the ball options really open up and don't have to worry so much about what's available.