For myself I made sure to get a NM where the PIN, CG and HART were in relatively perfect alignment to each other (mine are off just a tad) so I could keep the cg in the positive quadrant. I also made absolutely sure that the hart was placed smack dab in the middle of my track closest to the thumb. Essentially, it was drill pattern #7 with just a slight modification. What I ended up with was 3/4oz's positive weight and a ball that can be used in moderately heavy to light medium conditions (Frankly, haven't been on a condition that I couldn't use it...including the first night I threw it in practice after 2 shifts of league...shot 258, 300). It has excellent length, decent midlane and a very heavy arc into the pocket (it stands up very well at the pocket and seems to just shove the pins backwards into the pit).
Now, six pack has alluded to placing the hart on the 3rd or 4th flare line. This, is also what some users have found effective. For myself, I followed what some first users had reported as being effective. I know Chitown's is drilled with a negative cg and he can't say enough good things about it.
So, there are many users reporting various layouts and hart placements that seem to work for them. I think the most basic prerequisite is to have that pin, cg and hart in alignment, given that it appears if you lay it out to suit your style it will work.
Edited on 12/10/2006 11:09 PM
Edited on 12/10/2006 11:11 PM