LOL, i still cant get over it. Saturday night i went & practiced right b4 rock n bowl. The lanes apparently hadnt been oiled at all that day(i think the center only oils the lanes that a league is actually using). I started out with my normal equipment, ended up with my widow(its drilled weak), its my weakest/smoothest ball right now. I got a lot of over under, shot a few 170s. Finally i said screw it, pulled out my Hammer Tuff, went front 9, pocket 5-8, spare strike for 278.
So, for those of u that say the Tuff isnt for a strike ball at all, i have to disagree, although, i think im going to pick up a XXXL for spares/DRY lanes, as im sure i wouldnt have left a pocket 5-8 with the XXXL.