Well, I've been in a slump the last couple of weeks off and on. Timing, release, all sorts of bad stuff. I've been really down about it all too.
Anyway, threw horrible practice balls before league Tuesday night, then once we started it felt great. Shot my first ever 299 game outta the gate. Had one high one, but carried, then hit high one more time on the 12th ball and left a 4 pin. I used my Hammer Emerald Vibe I won awhile back in a raffle too.
It's cool to have another honor score this year. Had a 290~ 11 in a row awhile back, now this one. I've got my 300 ring in my size, think I'm getting the 299 in my wife's size to wear. Ended with 209-207 last two games. Pretty disapointed in the series, cause it coulda been great. Chased the line the rest of the night and couldn't string 'em anymore. Oh well I'm happy.
*** Question~ I've had one 11 in a row this year, this one would count as a 2nd one. They don't give a ring for 299's you have to buy one. Can I still buy one even with my prior 11 in a row???
Also, someone said since my first 11 in a row was the last 11, and this one was the front eleven it counts as another plaque? Is that correct too? Just curious as to what I've got here lmao.
Nothing Hit''s Like A Hammer