I also have to agree that it has everything to do with the drill.
I have a very high tilt, similar to Robert Flunder IV, but when I ordered my FB, it was drilled pin down. I am used to long pin, pin up layouts, so this was completely different for me, and as predicted, the ball underperformed...
But it only underperformed from what I perceived it to do (per IV's videos).
Since I basically have 2 games I can throw (one which I wheel the ball like no tomorrow, the other I square up and go down and in), I actually found that this layout worked a lot better for my B game than it did my A game. So in the end, that layout worked great for me, because it gave me a better down and in look than I've had in a long, LONG time. Last time I had that good of a look was with my Fab Blue Hammer, and an Ebonite Apex Adrenaline.
my FB layout: 60 x 4.5 x 70, pin under the ring finger. By comparison to, say, Ebonite Challenge: 60 x 3.5 x 40, pin above pinky, CG kicked out.
All in all, this ball is great pin up, CG kicked out, but if you can work with it, it's a great pin down ball as well (perhaps also with CG kicked out?).