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Author Topic: ACID RAW HAMMER - Mini Review  (Read 1308 times)


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« on: December 26, 2008, 11:25:19 AM »
Weight: 15#
Top Weight: 3.5 oz.
Pin Placement: 3-4"

4 3/4" Pin Above the Ring Finger. No Weight Hole. CG very slightly kicked right. Ending weights were 5/8 Positive Side and 3/4 Finger.

First Impressions:
With pretty much basically the same numbers as the Psycho I decided to add a coat of Factory Finish to the ACID beforehand. I figured since I had an out of box Anger (drilled with the same layout) that also had more surface that polishing the Acid would benefit me the most.

It also has better shelf appeal shined up.

In its polished state the Acid made it through the heads very clean and had a very smooth but good bit of snap on the backend; however, not an overwhelming backend reaction that you will see out of bowling equipment with more profound Skid/Snap characteristics such as the Kinetic Pearl. I feel even with its out of the box surface the ACID would still go longer than the ANGER.

I currently own a Sauce with a 4" Pin from PAP with the Pin @ 1 o'clock. The ANGER and ACID are both drilled with a 4 3/4" Pin Above the Ring Finger. Neither has a weight hole and as stated earlier the ACID has a coat of Factory Finish Polish on it. At the end of the arsenal is an Emerald Vibe drilled with a 5" Pin to PAP with the Pin @ 12 o'clock with no weight hole. 4 Hammer Balls for ideal typical house shot conditions.

Hope this helps anybody considering an ACID RAW HAMMER. Any questions, feel free to PM me! God Bless!

--Michael Price--

-McCorvey''s Pro Shop Staff-
-"The Complete Bowler''s Pro Shop!"-

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