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Author Topic: Almost an 800 W/BW & Toxic  (Read 1270 times)


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Almost an 800 W/BW & Toxic
« on: April 11, 2007, 12:10:14 AM »
First two games I used the Black Widow shot 278, 248. Third game switched to the Toxic for 268=794. I switched cause the Widow was startig to burn up from lanes breaking down. I know us lefties don't see that too often. Plus we had a guy using a sponge trying to loft the gutter and hook the lane. So I switched to avoid his line with the Widow.
I still say the Toxic is an underated ball. I had no problem switching to it last night. It cleared the heads easily, even with the gutter lofter burning up my heads. The Toxic retained energy, read the mid lanes nicely and didn't over react on the back end.



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Re: Almost an 800 W/BW & Toxic
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2007, 08:12:49 AM »
Nice set...I agree with the Toxic assessment...I have one and it performs nicely for me pretty forgiving but sometimes at least for me it lacks a bit of carry.  I am not perfect by any stretch of the imagination and will be the first person to admit it.  I left 2 7-10 splits with it the other night, and both shots were in the pocket.


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Re: Almost an 800 W/BW & Toxic
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2007, 04:57:51 PM »
I just got a Toxic and used it today for some practice games.  The ball is forgiving, but I had two, 4-6-7-9-10 splits in 3 games, and a couple 7-10's too.  But thats because I was throwing too high in the pocket.  I'm still re-learning the game, but I'm having a ton-o-fun anyways!!!  Does not over react in the back end and goes through the oils nicely.