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Author Topic: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe  (Read 4000 times)


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Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« on: December 24, 2008, 02:43:21 AM »
Well last night bowling in league for the first time at Golden Pin Lanes, the house that put out the most oil in Tucson that I've seen, I thought I would try out my Anger.  After throwing it a few times, I wasn't satisfied with the reaction.  I was told the drill on the ball was for a strong hook, and that definitly wasn't the case.  I decided to give my Cherry Vibe a try and that ball was out hooking my Anger.  It did go longer than the Anger, but had a better recovery than the Anger.  

Would it be possible that the Anger needs to be polished in order to have more back end than the CV, or is this Anger lost it completley?  The ball has only about 10 games on it.  Link to pic of balls in my profile.
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2008, 10:51:28 AM »
So willy, whats your game?  cranker or stroker?
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2008, 10:51:31 AM »
"Strong Hook" That doesn't mean strong backend
My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury(500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Raw Hammer Pain(1000 Abralon)
Blue Vibe(4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)


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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2008, 10:56:42 AM »
But the strong hook I thought I would get is more of a weak arc.  I guess what I'm trying to get at is my Vibe has a overall more hook than the Anger.  Either I was mislead for this ball to be a monster or, I dont know...
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2008, 10:59:34 AM »
too many people including yourself see backend as hook, which its not... a Cherry Vibe moves more on the backend, your Anger sounds like its strating up earlier, a little too early
My Arsenal:
Twisted Fury(500 Abralon + Reacta Shine)
Raw Hammer Pain(1000 Abralon)
Blue Vibe(4000 Abralon + Reacta Shine)


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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2008, 11:07:40 AM »
Mid lane and backend are both a "hook", just depends on where one wants it. Early, mid lane (arc/banana type) or backend turn (more like a hockey stick).

It does sound as if the Anger might be turning a bit early, but not seeing it, hard to say.
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2008, 11:17:08 AM »

I was told when I got the Anger that I would see more overall hook than the Vibe in oil.  Backend and all.  Not that Im trying to argue, Im just saying that my Vibe had a better reaction than my Anger.

As far as azguy says, I wasn't looking for a banana shaped hooked, but the more hockey stick shaped.  I guess my Vibe is just more than what it was described.  I'll have to education myself more before selecting my next move.
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2008, 11:23:24 AM »
the anger will hook earlier and more continuous in oil vs. the vibe what your seeing is the stronger more defined movement of the vibe and assuming it hooks more than the anger wich is a rolly ball or it was for me. to say the vibe hooks more yeah it does but having a ball that has a strong roll is good on the oil. move your feet and roll that ball up the oil i'm sure you'll like the carry the anger can give you. but if your wanting HOOK IN A BOX the anger isn't the best ball for that.


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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2008, 11:37:55 AM »
Yes terp,  I guess I have no clue.  LOL
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2008, 12:00:13 PM »
I know.  Its just fustrating that someone tells you that this ball will do something it doesn't.  

Working on Christmas eve sucks!  Looks as if your busy! LOL
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #10 on: December 25, 2008, 08:54:59 AM »
Well from what i see from the pictures that you have, your anger is almost fighting the nature of itself. Like everyone is stating, the anger is a rolly piece. So placing a strong "rolling drill" on the ball will help induce its nature in oil.
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #11 on: December 31, 2008, 09:21:20 AM »
I'm making this post to try and help clarify the Vibes strength.  

The Vibes will outhook a lot of bowling balls on the backend!  The Vibes are strong if used on the correct lane conditions!   When your on a heavy oil pattern the Vibes (all 3 of them in box condition) will just slide thru the break point and hook very little.  That's the type of condition were you see the real difference between the Vibes and a ball like the Raw Hammer Anger. In box condition the Vibes get very good length and have a strong response to friction.  On heavy/long oil the Vibes will just skate.  Again were talking about the covers being in OOB condition.  Dulling the covers is another topic in itself.

Bottom line is this:  Your not bowling on heavy oil if your Vibe is hooking more than your heavy oil ball!  It's that simple.  Again were talking about the Vibes being in box condition.

Zack Pelton300

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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #12 on: December 31, 2008, 11:06:37 AM »
Well u have to look at how they are drilled. The anger is pin down. This will make it roll just that much earlier. I would say that the ball is burning up before it hits the dry boards.

The CV is pin up which will make the ball go longer, saving its energy till it hits the dry.
Zack Pelton
Olathe, Kansas
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Re: Anger vs. Cherry Vibe
« Reply #13 on: December 31, 2008, 11:24:31 AM »
take the anger to a higher grit and it will out backend the vibe... depending on the drilling. Mine tends to have too much backend and snap sometimes and that is with a 4 inch pin to pap when I normally through 5 1/2 inch pins on my stuff.  I was impressed with the Anger out of the box. It got down the lane and had more snap then I thought it would have.  

I understand what you are saying about the ANGER and not hooking.  I bought some heavy oil balls that I thought would hook the lane (Anger, Fury, Cell, Visionary Immortal Solid)  I've learned these balls do not cover tons of boards and they don't have the big angular backend.  I'm not sure what they do to tell you the truth.. They move early, move in mid, and then creep to the pocket. I think you will find balls like this useful when the lanes are truly oily, long, and no clean backend or wall to make your vibe hook.  Heavy, early rolling balls give a different look and angle to the pocket.  I'm all about skid flip but when I threw my Anger out of the box it was a beast.  The ball seemed to carry everything.. light, heavy, pocket... with my skid flip stuff my ball had to be just the right angle and pocket postition or I was leaving a 4,8,9 or 10.  I feel I get away with alot more with my cell, anger and other balls like them..

What is considered "HOOK" . I consider hook covering the most boards on a given lane condition.  And with clean backends the Vibe will cover more boards than alot of balls.
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