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Author Topic: Anyone else love their BURN?  (Read 2011 times)


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Anyone else love their BURN?
« on: June 29, 2009, 07:23:06 AM »
This is a great ball. I love the length and backend it has, yet is still predictable. It is definitely stronger than I thought it would be. It's drilled 5" pin to PAP, pin over bridge. It's stronger than my Hy-Road that is drilled 4 1/4" pin to PAP, pin over bridge. Anyone else loving their Burn so far?
Storm/900 Global



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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2009, 03:59:15 PM »
I tell you what, this ball makes a move!  Mine is drilled 4 3/4" by 4", with
an x-hole 2" down pap on val, and man does this baby turn!  Not so much
skid/snap, as it has good length with strong midlane and a move on the back
that is just so strong.  Alot stronger than I thought it would be.  My Toxic I
had wasnt half this ball, and I thought the Burn was going to be just a bit
above the Toxic.  Boy was I wrong, and it recovered from almost anywhere.  

I took mine to 4000, and will throw it tonight.  I think this will help the ball
down lane with a more strong/smooth move to the pocket.  We will see, but if I
would've known the pure stregnth of this ball, I would've gone with different

on edit:  I do love the look I get with this ball on Brunswick Anvilanes

Edited on 6/29/2009 4:00 PM


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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #2 on: July 02, 2009, 06:43:31 PM »
I threw this ball at the Ebonite Demo Day out at Bowl Expo in Vegas.  The Burn was far and away the best ball there that day and I tried every single one of the new releases by the four brands.  Plus, this ball and maybe the Full Swing were the only balls that gave me a different look from the typical Ebonite stuff we've had for years. Great ball for the price. Smooth, strong on the back, and versatile.
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Doug Sterner

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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #3 on: July 02, 2009, 11:12:42 PM »
I just got to throw mine for the first time tonight. I drilled mine RICO (pin in grip center, cg at 45* into thumb quadrant with a 25/32 x 2" weighthole 6-3/4" from pin)

I left the ball in box finish.

I threw the ball on 3 different lane conditions....40 year old wood lanes, resurfaced 3 years ago

condition 1.... broken down 3 day old lighter oil house shot (42 feet to the end of the buff, 40 units in the center)
I knew this ball was going to be too strong for the shot but I wanted to see what it would do. The ball never made it thru the started rolling and hooking at like 30 feet but still retained enough energy and had a strong move on the backend. I tried every hand position in my bag of tricks and moved all over the lane and the ball was just too much.

condition2....fresh, regular house condition...42 feet long, 55 units in the middle)

after taking 3 frames to find my line I found the flush zone with this ball and I could not miss. 9 spare, strike, strike, 4 pin spare, off the sheet for 266. I then started playing around and found I had about 5 boards in and another 5 out at the arrows in terms of area. As long as I got through the ball cleanly it was in the pocket.....what a great feeling. I did not have this same room with my Psycho, Evolution or Playmaker I tested at the same time.

condition 3....PBA Cheetah

While I had a decent look on this pattern the ball was still a bit too much. I was playing further in that I cared to. I had a good look playing tight inside (20 to 14) and also had a decent look deep inside out (22 to 8). My scores and consistency were starting to fade since I had just bowled a total of 9 games after an 8 hour shift at work so my ball speed dropped quite a bit as did my accuracy. Despite the deficiencies in my game at the time the ball performed well and gave me some OOPS room.

Overall my impression of this ball is very positive. I wanted a ball that would replace my Doom (also drilled RICO) on our house condition...I think I have found it. This ball has earned a spot in my bag next to my playmakers, BuzzBomb and G Force Evolution.

I cannot wait until I get to use this ball some more.

Excellent job Hammer!!!!
Doug Sterner
Doug's Pro Shop
Owego, NY
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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #4 on: July 03, 2009, 01:27:21 PM »
the pro shop I go to calls this "a piece of chalk" or "mini chalk"

i watched the pro shop operator throw 2 chalks and the burn... and it really reacts like a piece of the chalk. same reaction just less overall hook.


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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #5 on: July 07, 2009, 06:38:37 PM »
40' straight down the lane and it looks like someone just kicks it left...definitely impressed with this one...and the color looks awesome..despite most of the people, in the house I bowl in, thinkin' it is an ugly ball...God Bless You All!

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Joe Jr

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Re: Anyone else love their BURN?
« Reply #6 on: July 07, 2009, 07:55:50 PM »
I like mine, clean up front, strong midlane and very strong downlane. Eats through carrydown shockingly well. Surprised me that the ball would come off the spot and drive through the pins so well when my Hy-Road with surface was struggling.

Now let's hope it lasts longer then my Hot Sauce.
My Vid
Just another hack with too much equipment.