Well I picked up my Raw Hammer Pain from the pro shop last night and had a chance to throw some games with it.
I bowled on a normal house shot. A good amount of oil in the middle and real dry outside.
My Pain is drilled stacked leverage with the x-hole on my mid lane 1" past my pap. I have this same layout on one of my Dooms. The Doom I have with this layout has the OOB cover knocked off and repolished with Ebonites matte polish.
On this lane condition both of these balls were really close in there reaction. The Pain hooked a couple of boards more and was a little earlier. The hit and carry was just like the Doom(awesome hit and carry). Now my matte Doom can be used on heavier oil. Because of the matte cover and the strong layout. From my initial impression the Pain looks like a great choice for heavier oil and a good complement to an OOB Doom.
The ball also looks really cool. I like the colors they used on the Pain. It kind of reminds me of my old Phenom Unleashed(great ball).
This is not a review. I want to try the Pain on some different conditions before I post an actual review. I can't wait to see how it performs on my league conditions which are very difficult.
So to close things out, I like how the Pain reacted on this THS. It does look like this ball will handle a good amount of oil. This will be my heavy oil ball. I would also like to get another one and try my favorite length back end layout plus factory finish polish. Hammer is making some really awesome equipment.
Does anyone know what grit this OOB cover is on the Pain? I think the matte polish I had on the Doom is like 1200 grit.
I will bring this ball to the BR get together next month.