BV's layout: Pin above the bridge 5.5" from pap, CG kicked right and no balance hole.
During league or tourney's one can't change the surface of a ball during play. So because of this I bought a 2nd Blue Vibe. I gave it the same exact layout that's on my BV #1 and brought the cover down to 1000 grit abralon.
I've had a chance to use this ball on 42' and 44' patterns in which both had some heavy out of bounds. Very difficult patterns! At 1000 grit the BV has a strong mid-lane and smooth back end and still retained some great hitting power. I was amazed at how much stronger this ball was when dulled. It was able to handle the heavier/longer oil with ease.
I'm glad I made the choice to buy another BV and knock the cover down. This ball along with my OOB BV make one hell of a 1-2 punch combination.