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Author Topic: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip  (Read 7582 times)

David Lee Yskes

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Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« on: January 26, 2014, 06:06:32 PM »
Ok, so I have my State tournament coming up in February and from everyone I've heard the pattern plays very flat and that you need something that just rolls on the backend. 

After using my Arson Low Flare yesterday on the Scorpion pattern, I am leaning more towards this ball and my 300T.     I just took my ALF to 1000grit, and did the same to my 300t a few weeks ago..   I do have a G900 Link which is drilled like my 300T also...   

I would lean more towards my 300t since the drill pattern on said ball allows me to play a wide variety of lines and lane conditions.. 

just looking for some idea's... I am a higher rev player too...
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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2014, 06:34:03 PM »
I'm in the same boat you are... Bowling the second weekend of February.

I'm assuming that when you say "you need something that just rolls on the backend" that a controlled ball reaction as the ball reads the midlane and exits the pattern will help minimize mistakes, etc?

Coverstock type needs to match up with the volume of the pattern.  This will vary with the bowlers rev rate and ball speed.

Surface roughness needs to match with the desired break point... no point in getting the ball changing direction before or after it is needed.

Layout seems to be the tricky to find key that is needed to unlock the door to carry... which is frequently the difference between a good and great day at the lanes.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2014, 07:17:05 PM by J_Mac »

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2014, 06:48:42 PM »

I've used my 300t on Cheetah and it worked really well because it just rolled... 

I used my ALF on the cheetah too, but it was polished up at the time...  But after using it on Scorpion and playing basically right up 12, it gave me a nice straighter look when everything else wasnt working.. 

I do have a Theory which would be a option too, and a 811c/t..  both are not drilled aggressive...  but the Theory has the RG kicked out to get into a roll earlier while the C/T has the MB right by the thumb...  I've thought about polishing up the 811c/t to give it more control off the backend.. 
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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2014, 06:52:31 PM »
I'm slowly adding to my previous post... as I recall recommendations I've heard in the past

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #4 on: January 27, 2014, 05:21:28 PM »

usually i do not have any issue with carry...   my issue is finding that happy medium with a ball that allows me to get to the pocket consistently..  once i get that out of the way its happy sailing lol..

I'm thinking my ALF will be the ball to start with since it will give me a very consistent ball reaction.   

Right now my thoughts are to polish up my 811c/t + scuff my 919c to 2k, and to do a refresh of 1k on my 300t and just call it good..   

I usually dont bring more than 6 balls to the state tournament, and my line up would be
811c/t, 919c, ALF, 300t, g900 link, and debating between my Theory and 300A might just bring both lol
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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #5 on: January 27, 2014, 09:03:57 PM »
I've got way too many options... though if the shot is fresh for every shift, I'm not sure how low I need to go. A green/white Misfit with 1000 or 2000 might be as low as I need to go.

Just put holes in a Reax Pearl... it's my benchmark layout so getting the surface correct should allow me to judge if I need something with more or less surface.

I've been dabbling with MOtion holes, so I have 3 pieces that I'm not sure are really ideal for a somewhat flat shot like Sunset Strip.

I need to get on something similar to Sunset Strip just to see how different some of these pieces are since the house shot can blur the lines between them.

David Lee Yskes

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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #6 on: January 27, 2014, 09:18:54 PM »
Well from what ive heard.. The best option is something that just has a control drilling and is smooth on the backend..    and maybe has a lil bit of surface too..   hence why i am leaning towards the Alf ball.. As a starting point..   and yes house shots and even lane surface can blurr how your ball will really react on a tighter pattern.. 
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Re: Arson Low Flare on Kegel Sunset Strip
« Reply #7 on: January 27, 2014, 10:29:44 PM »
the volume of oil in the sunset strip is not much more than a house pattern its the fact that its so flat. they do put a fresh shot down for each shift.  if you have a good relationship with your local house ask if they will put the kegel shot down a pair for you if you get enought guys to play on it they may do it for you. the guy at my local house said he would do it as long as it was going to get used. to bad i didnt think to ask that til after i went to state.