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Author Topic: ?s for Hammerheads...  (Read 1241 times)


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?s for Hammerheads...
« on: October 17, 2007, 05:31:09 AM »
Whats up fellas?  Just a couple questions for the gurus in here.  I've been in contact with Brian Graham at Hammer, but I would like some real world opinions too.  I have been drilling Hammer stuff for my collegiate bowlers, and I am a little unfamiliar with some of the line.  

First, which choice between the No Mercy and the Beat'N is best for long, flat patterns or difficult wet conditions, in your opinion?  We had thrown mostly Total Infernos on those condtions, but it is time for upgrades.  We have tried a few Angers on this stuff, but it isn't quite strong enough for a couple of my bowlers.  I had shyed away from the No Mercy line due to the complex core design, but I am thinking that I am going to have to give it a try.  

Second, what would you consider to be a better choice for when the lanes start to open up; the Black Widow Pearl, the Toxic/Doom, or maybe a polished Anger?

Right now, this is the arsenal that we started with as our target for the year:

Anger (or similar) (500 grit abralon)
Black Widow  (1000 or 2000 grit abralon)
Black Widow Pearl (4000 grit abralon)
Cherry or Blue Vibe (Box finish)

Or should it look more like this:

No Mercy (500-1000 grit abralon)
Black Widow (1000-2000 grit abralon)
Toxic (4000 grit abralon) or
Black Widow Pearl (4000 grit)
Vibe (box)

Any variations on that that anyone would recommend?  It is open for discussion guys!  Any insights are appreciated!

J. J. Mastny
Men's Head Coach
UNO Mavericks Bowling

Edited on 10/17/2007 2:15 PM
J. J. Mastny
Mens Head Coach
University of Nebraska Omaha Bowling


Matt Fortney

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Re: ?s for Hammerheads...
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2007, 01:49:21 PM »
For long, flat patterns I would definitely say the No Mercy would be better suited than the Beat'n. The main reason for this is on longer oil, the Beat'n gets a little squirty at times, and the more even-arcing nature of the NM would be a better fit in my opinion. As far as the core design, I wasn't sure about it at first either, but I think it's a little mis-understood. What people view as "complexity," I now realize is actually simplicity. Most important part I've found is making sure you put the Hart between the 1st and 3rd ring of flare. Keep it there and vary pin location to determine how much flare/hook/strength you want.

As far as when the lanes start to open up, I'd probably be quicker to recommend the Toxic/Doom over the BWP and the Anger, even polished. The only reason I think the Toxic/Doom would be better is because I think with the arcy nature of the Anger would cause it to lose energy on the back on an a "breaking down" condition. And the soon as that things touches dry it goes...and it goes hard...breaking down is not the first type of condition that I'd play it on. Might be a touch strong for that.

Hope this all helped, and sorry I got a little winded!

Hammer Pride Staff

"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer"


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Re: ?s for Hammerheads...
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2007, 01:57:06 PM »
Beat'n at 1k with 4-4.5 pin to pap and strong mb position, i have one this way it still backends well and handles plenty of oil.

I did not like the ball at 4k it was good at 2k and it excellent at 1k, but needs alot of oil to work right.