That's why I phrased my answer the way I did. I wasn't trying to say anyone else's information was incorrect, but hated to see someone try to make a ball fit where it wouldn't.
Actually, I forgot about Andy at Creekside. He has both a Cherry and a Blue Vibe. They have very different drilling's, so I'm not sure if they are so different because of the drilling, or the balls themselves. I think the Cherry has a length/flip drilling (pin over the bridge, CG stacked below) and the Blue has the pin lower and much closer to the PAP (~2" pin to PAP, CG back towards grip center). The Cherry covers a lot more boards and is
much stronger off the dry. The Blue is earlier and arcs, much smoother reaction.
They have different covers, so again, I'm not sure if it's that or the drilling's that make the difference. With modern thinking suggesting that cover/surface is ~70% of reaction and drilling ~15%, I'd still say the Blue would be a better choice for dry based on what I've seen.
If you want length and flip to open up a light THS, look at a Cherry with a weak drilling. If you want to tame down flying back ends, get a Blue and drill it appropriately.
Penn State ProudSpecial thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive Ballreviews Get Togethers.
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