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Author Topic: I don't understand my black widow  (Read 2686 times)

six pack

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I don't understand my black widow
« on: October 17, 2006, 01:33:54 PM »
my intense inferno is a way stronger ball than my B.W. drilled basicly the same but the intense is polished and I've tried my B.W. in every cover prep I can come up with.any ideas?mybe need more finger weight?and no the ball is not burning out.if I don't figure this ball out soon I'm going to my blades.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #1 on: October 17, 2006, 09:37:06 PM »
didint you sell that? it was drilled negitave MB or something right?
"I don't like country music, but I don't mean to denigrate those who do. And for the people who like country music, denigrate means 'put down'" - Bob Newhart

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Edited on 10/17/2006 9:29 PM

six pack

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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #2 on: October 17, 2006, 10:12:50 PM »
I bought a new one.the one with the mb out farther started ealier for was not the big backend ball I've read about.everyone said the mb was out too far so I bought another and had it drilled according to advice of other members.I like the way the ball hits but it's so inconsistant it'sot even funny.I prety much have to slow way down and belly up on the ball to get it to finish.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #3 on: October 17, 2006, 11:38:18 PM »
I bought a new one.the one with the mb out farther started ealier for was not the big backend ball I've read about.everyone said the mb was out too far so I bought another and had it drilled according to advice of other members.I like the way the ball hits but it's so inconsistant it'sot even funny.I prety much have to slow way down and belly up on the ball to get it to finish.
B-dub in the house YE'all..

I didn't care for the Black Widow at all.  I found it to be a very inconsistent ball on tough lanes.  I don't judge a ball on house shots because they all usually perform well on those conditions.  I'm lucky in the sense that I get to bowl on tough lane patterns through out the season.  So on the tough pattern I tried the BW on it was horrible.  On the same pattern my Pain kicked major butt.

I'm telling everyone out there the Pain and Doom are very good balls on difficult patterns.  

On a side note:  you should dull your BW to 800 grit.  Then apply some of Ebonites matte polish.  This should smooth out the break point some while maintaining a good backend move.  Now keep in mind matte polish can only do so much to make a ball more consistent.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2006, 08:21:54 AM »
I have mine with the pin above and in between the fingers, with the mass bias close to my pap. The ball needs oil. Not very versatile with the present drill. And can be release sensitive. I've had good games with it but, I should have bought another pain. Mine is in box condition. Like chitown stated, it is not good on spotty or tough conditions. 2cents


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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2006, 08:33:12 AM »
Where is the MB located? The BW has a strong MB, the II a weak, if at all. If it is near the track on the BW, this might be the problem because it screws up ball reaction and might not finish well.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2006, 09:09:26 AM »
Where is the MB located? The BW has a strong MB, the II a weak, if at all. If it is near the track on the BW, this might be the problem because it screws up ball reaction and might not finish well.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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If the MB is close to ones track then the ball should be good on dry back ends because it shouldn't over react.  I have used that layout on some balls with good success.

Not every ball is going to work for everyone.  I had a BW and just didn't like it.  I like bowling balls that are strong and carry great.  They also have to be good on tough lane conditions.  

I personally feel that the BW is a better ball on house shots.  That's because one doesn't need to worry about being as accurate.
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max revs

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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2006, 09:49:35 AM »
Chitown are you talking about putting the MB in the bowlers track on the negative side?  Because I am pretty sure on a ball with a strong MB that is a BIG NO NO!  It kills the ball. Second I think the widow is a great ball on a house shot and I have had success on tougher shots as well. Chitown I love ready your comments because you are usually right on but for you to say something like " I like bowling balls that are strong and carry great. " Dont get me wrong I love the pain and doom too, but just because it didnt work for you doesnt mean that its not going to strong and carry great for other people. Let me repeat that I was shocked when I read that from chitown and I have a lot of respect for his views and in no way is this meant to attack him.
med-high revs
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #8 on: October 18, 2006, 09:54:17 AM »
Chitown are you talking about putting the MB in the bowlers track on the negative side?  Because I am pretty sure on a ball with a strong MB that is a BIG NO NO!  It kills the ball.

Just my saying... like a label drilling with the pin in the palm, and the pin in a strong position. Must not be true for anyone, but high trackers live in danger that the MB in the track will totally tip off ball balance when the ball rotates. I have a youth player in my club with a Zone Classic set up this way, and the ball is a dud. He uses it for 10 pin spares now... does almost nothing, flares backwards, just skids. No roll and carry.

DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #9 on: October 18, 2006, 10:58:34 AM »
I think the black widow is a great ball.  The only negative thing about it is that it really shows how bad of bowlers some people really are.  You can't throw this ball all over the map and expect it to do well.  The better bowlers will beat people's heads in with this ball on certain conditions.  This ball is great for guys that can hit a target consistently.  Just my opinion.

six pack

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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #10 on: October 18, 2006, 12:02:43 PM »
I think the black widow is a great ball.  The only negative thing about it is that it really shows how bad of bowlers some people really are.  You can't throw this ball all over the map and expect it to do well.  The better bowlers will beat people's heads in with this ball on certain conditions.  This ball is great for guys that can hit a target consistently.  Just my opinion.

I agree to a point,on an easy THS this ball is prety good but so are 9 out of 10 others on any easy shot. last night I had 1 open in my three game set of 624 with my widow.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #11 on: October 18, 2006, 12:09:05 PM »
Maybe I should clarify things a little bit better.  placing the MB in ones ball track or on the negative side on an asymmetrical ball will tame it down a lot.  This layout is good for dry backends that overreact.

If you place the Mb on the right side of the thumb for a right hander, depending on how far it is from the bowlers pap, the ball will be a lot stronger.  

If you had two BW's and used the same pin position but [laced the MB close to the bowlers track and the other in the strong position, usually right of the thumb, you will have two completely different ball reactions.  It would be like night and day.

The BW hit's and carry's just fine.  However on the tough patterns I used it on I was not happy with the inconsistency of the reaction.  On the same patterns my Pain outperformed it by a lot.

Now on the house shot I played my BW on it worked great.  The ball hit great and had a lot of miss area.  

I bowl on a league that put's out difficult patterns all season long.  They do this because of the amount of money in all of the pot games.  This is a big money league.  Very difficult place to bowl.

Now just because I didn't have success with the BW and didn't like the reaction doesn't mean that others wont do well with it.  It all depends on ones style and the conditions they bowl on.  I can get any ball to hook a lot.  I don't need a huge back end moving ball.  The BW does have a big backend move to it.

For me on the tough shot this ball is very inconsistent.  Why?  I have no idea.  On a house shot this ball performs great!

I hope this clarify's things a little bit.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #12 on: October 18, 2006, 12:13:14 PM »
I think the black widow is a great ball.  The only negative thing about it is that it really shows how bad of bowlers some people really are.  You can't throw this ball all over the map and expect it to do well.  The better bowlers will beat people's heads in with this ball on certain conditions.  This ball is great for guys that can hit a target consistently.  Just my opinion.

I agree to a point about this above statement.  Yes some balls show imperections in ones release a little more than other balls.  I personally feel the lane condition is the most important factor.

Plus certain balls perform better on certain conditions than others, as we all know.  

When I can play on the same condition with two different balls and only have consistancy with one of the balls shows that it's not as much my inconsistant game as it is the ball.
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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #13 on: October 18, 2006, 02:02:40 PM »
Both my BW's perform very well in in the first game of league but once carry down begins its transition the BW's become inconsistent. I've taken one down to 2000 grit Abralon and will be giving it a go tomorrow.

Overall though the BW's are my go to balls. I probably just haven't figured out the right moves to make during transition. I'm holding onto a 243 average on Thursday and 231 on Friday, thanks in most part to big games shot with the BW.


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Re: I don't understand my black widow
« Reply #14 on: October 18, 2006, 11:55:32 PM »
PM'd you!
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