Not giving the Raw Pain one more season is VERY disappointing. I sold 28 Pains this past season and expected to sell MANY more. This ball really helped boost my overall pro shop sales as I was able to feed off this ball and compliment it with the Doom or the Toxic. Of the 28 sold, only ONE person wasn't THRILLED with it. (After a surface change, he was very happy.) One award score after another was rolled with this ball....I hope Hammer releases something else with this core. The Doom was awesome as well, but much more condition specific. The Hawg line should be discontinued, IMHO.
BTW, I sold 28 Pains and 18 Toxics in 2006...great 2 ball combo. Compared to 1 No Mercy (mine - very inconsistent on local conditions for most) and 6 Widows (2 mine - big rev guys loved it).
... overall, Hammer equipment resulted in exactly 66.6% of my total sales due mainly to the quality of the Pain cover/core match. No other ball in the Hammer line provided the Pain's overall sales versatility!
Doesn't having a ball that sells and performs THIS well draw attention and sales to other balls in the company's current sales line? Plus, many people bought more than one Pain and used different layouts and cover preparations.
I think the last ball to have this big an impact on the local scene and then disappear as quickly was the phased Track Heat. (The original Inferno stuck around awhile.) Did Track ever recovered from this?
Are you reading, Mr. Graham?
In Hammer we trust!
Keglers Kave Pro Shop
Nazareth, Pa.