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Author Topic: best ball to use on this pattern  (Read 1762 times)


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best ball to use on this pattern
« on: July 26, 2007, 05:27:43 AM »
I'm bowling on this pattern on sunday i have a black widow OB finish and a bw pearl box finish ( both all purpose drilling) no mercy with no4 drilling at 2000 grit and polish and a blue vibe with the pin on he pap for lenth, i bowl at around 15.6-16.2mph with high revs any help on what ball and line is best for the oil pattern on this link bellow

me bowling my black widow pearl

Edited on 7/26/2007 1:30 PM



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Re: best ball to use on this pattern
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2007, 11:53:41 PM »
This is not an easy post to answer.  Too many factors involved to tell you which ball is your best option.  

During practice try to figure out which ball is going to give you the most room to the pocket.  Don't put any ball into a slot.  What I mean by that is don't say to yourself "the oil seems light so I should be using the dry lane ball or the lanes seem on the heavy side and I should be using heavy oil ball" ect... .

I have used pearlized balls on long patterns with great success.  There have been times when i've used duller equipment on shorter patterns with great success.  You never really know which ball is going to work the best until you get a chance to roll them on the lanes.  So during practice try and throw a few shots with a couple balls to see which give you the best look.

What line to play?  Well again this depends on many factors.  I always try and play the track area(2nd arrow) first, during practice.  Then roll a shot from inside and one from outside to see how the ball reacts.  

Normally when the pattern is on the shorter side, like this one is; the break point should be more outside to get that 6 degree angle to the pocket.  Since the pattern is 37 feet, i'm thinking the break point should be around the 5-7 board.

I hope this helps you out.

This fall it's Raw Hammer Time!

Edited on 7/26/2007 11:57 PM

Edited on 7/27/2007 8:04 AM

Monster Stitch

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Re: best ball to use on this pattern
« Reply #2 on: July 27, 2007, 11:04:40 AM »
I agree with Chitown. This is hard to predict. 37 ft can be short but it
can be deceiving looking at that graph. Looks very heavy up front then it's blended with the forward and reverse oil. Too much speed might make the ball skid too much but if the ends are stripped it's going to fly. Just bring a little of each to try out. I suggest to have a pearl partical in your arsenal.
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Re: best ball to use on this pattern
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2007, 12:25:25 PM »
Patterns can play differently dependendent on the lane surface, but it seems like the pattern plays outside and rather straight.  Inside is rather flat, and while sometimes you can swing the ball out to the feather for area, being a short pattern, your swing area may be limited.  

I'd start with the widow as that should give you a decent idea of the lanes.  I've found that starting with pearls can skew your impression of the lane condition.  The Widow pearl for instance will go long and snap.  Unless the heads are totally gone, the ball will push fairly far down lane and cut sideways.  By starting with the Widow solid you will get a good idea of how far the heads are gone and what the backends are like.  If the shot is on the gutter I've found that smooth is almost always better.  I personally love those shots where there is area out on the gutter, and I got a great deal of play out of a low pin agressively drilled Seek and Destroy.
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Re: best ball to use on this pattern
« Reply #4 on: July 29, 2007, 04:51:31 PM »
thanks for the help guys i finished 38th out of 70 and only 20pins off the cut ( cut was 32) the lanes played much much longer no movement on the outside part of the lane at all, i moved inside for first few games, then from game 5 i could swing the ball alittle and scored better if i had a stronger ball for when the lanes were soaking, i think i could have placed much higher

full results  damn splits cost me on two games 160 and 165 grrrr

thanks again for your help guys

p.s was only my 3rd big tourney