Hmmm, out of the belly, I'd suggest an old Pure Hammer with a fine surface - especially the black one at OOB, that has a milder coverstock than the later red one, which is a pure reactive and came polished.
This ball works very well on light oil condtions, and the low RG core lets it roll pretty well and early, if drilled accordingly (e. g. 5x4 or so, with a low pin distance and the pin under the fingers).
Currently, Hammer has nothing comparable in store - but from the current line-up, a Cherry Vibe without polish (say 4.000 Abralon sheen) and a tame but rolly layout could be the ticket - a pin axis set up or the pin very far from the PAP, under the fingers and the low pin distance CG either stacked or slightly kicked out towrds the PAP for an arcy move. But I am not sure about this - just a suggestion
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany
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