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Author Topic: Best Hammer Part. Pearl?  (Read 2287 times)

Gene J Kanak

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Best Hammer Part. Pearl?
« on: January 03, 2004, 07:51:35 PM »
Hey everyone,

I'm looking for a Particle Pearl ball for when the heads start to go away but there is still some oil down the lane. I want this ball to get through the heads, rev up in the midlane and provide a smooth, strong arc through the backend. Keeping all of that in mind, which of the below choices would be the best for filling that bill:

Diesel Particle Pearl
Vicious Particle Pearl
Power Diesel
Vicious Strike

If I've missed any, feel free to add them if you think they'd be better choices than what I've listed. Also, please include suggested drillings and coverstock prep. You can check my specs on my profile. Any and all helps is greatly appreciated!
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Re: Best Hammer Part. Pearl?
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2004, 11:17:22 AM »
Although not a particle ball, the Blade Pearl will give you the same reaction you desire. Mine has been seeing alot of duty in the second and third game of leagues as of late and it handles a wide variety of conditions. For the price this ball cannot be beat! Hope this helps you some.


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Re: Best Hammer Part. Pearl?
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2004, 06:30:44 PM »
I have all of the balls you have listed and the diesel particle pearl is the best hitting ball of the group. The vicious particle pearl is very very smooth
but does not like carrydown whatsoever and the power diesel and the vicous strike cover heavier conditions then medium to dryer lanes. Plus the diesel particle pearl is a closeout ball and i have bought mine for 100.00 drilled for each ball.