The Bite has an amazing read on the Longer Heavier Patterns, but it does depend on style speed and rev rate of course...
I had the opportunity to throw this ball when I made it threw the TQR at teh championship in Reno, NV (the one that Tommy Jones won) and the Bite gave me a great look, the main thing that slowed me down was a lot of splits because of the movement of oil constantly...
was a great experience and being able to throw the brand new Bite at the time was awesome because it was taking on that long heavy pattern like a champ, my Anger wouldnt even wrinkle...
The only other ball I had a look with was a 2000 Grit No Mercy, but that wasnt getting the backend reaction that Bite was providing...
Mason Sherman
Hammer Regional Staff
Vise Regional Staff
"Nothing Hits Like A Hammer."