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Author Topic: Hammer moving on up.  (Read 3270 times)


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Hammer moving on up.
« on: August 02, 2006, 02:32:29 AM »
If Hammer keeps up the great ball releases they may become bigger than Ebonite.  What do you guys think?

I know a lot of bowlers buying hammer balls.  A while back you couldn't find a Doom in anyones hands.  Now it seems like everyone has one.  The Black Widow is getting very popular as well.  

I don't have a lot of games on my Pain but so far it seems like a great ball.  Plus it looks really cool which is always a bonus.


Fluff E Bunnie

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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #1 on: August 02, 2006, 11:22:26 AM »
I don't know if Hammer can get bigger than Ebonite, but I personally like Hammer better than Ebonite.

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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #2 on: August 02, 2006, 11:34:44 AM »
even though they are under the same brand company hammer can get as big as Big E.
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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2006, 12:06:27 PM »
Hammer is probably the better of the 2! I happen to think that Ebonite stuff has just fallen off the face of the earth! You hear great things about their balls until you have about 50-75 games on them and they just die. You try and surface them and they are complete crap. Just what I hear!
George Palumbo
2002 True Amateur Challenge Champion


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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #4 on: August 02, 2006, 12:21:36 PM »
Hammer is probably the better of the 2! I happen to think that Ebonite stuff has just fallen off the face of the earth! You hear great things about their balls until you have about 50-75 games on them and they just die. You try and surface them and they are complete crap. Just what I hear!
George Palumbo
2002 True Amateur Challenge Champion

That used to be the case a couple of years ago.  I know a few bowlers that had balls from a couple years ago and they did die after like 100 games.  

I think Ebonite has improved on cover durability.  I had a Killer Instinct and had great success with that ball.  I had about 200 games on it and had no problems.

I know that Hammers new line of balls has durable covers.  The Dooms cover is awesome.  I have a ton of game on the Dooms I have and no problems what so ever.  Ebonite makes Hammers balls now so I would think that the current Ebonite covers would be just as durable as the hammers.


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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #5 on: August 02, 2006, 12:24:27 PM »

I know for a fact that they were much better say from 2001-2003.. They had great stuff then. It is about time they weeded out the V2 line.. How many V2's can you come out with before you kill one of the best balls made... I haven't thrown an E ball since 2003 and probably won't for a very long time, but I hear alot of stuff from bowlers!!
George Palumbo
2002 True Amateur Challenge Champion


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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2006, 08:15:00 PM »
Ebonite owns Hammer so really if Hammer does get bigger than Ebonite then Ebonite is also getting bigger. I believe Hammer will overcome all the companies (in turn) I know of 2 people that are solid Ebonite fans that are buying the Hawg Zilla. (Mainly because they see how My Hawg Wild works but want more hook) The Wild is plenty for me, anyways, People will start seeing Hammers more often because of the fact that they work. All companies (and countries) go and go in power, and Hammer has not hit its' "Golden Age" yet. Ebonite I think is in theirs now because I just came back from a tournament and there was atleast 1 "One" ball on every lane. My lane had 2 and the lane beside us had 4!!! But Hammer can't become bigger than itself, and itself is Ebonite. (diff balls same company)
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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #7 on: August 04, 2006, 01:07:00 AM »
Interesting topic. I would have laughed out loud 5 years ago if this was posted. That being said after dismissing Hammer for years after bad experiences with equipment that wasn't up to par with other manufacturers, I am a convert. I recently punched up a black widow and man that ball has a movement and a hit all it's own. It is an excellent piece of equipment! Hammer stuff is now up there with all others, and trust me I've thrown all brands, even the small companies. If Ebonite's ownership of  Hammer has anything to do with Hammer being what I now consider the best kept secret in bowling, then both brands have very bright futures.



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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #8 on: August 04, 2006, 02:03:24 AM »
I have quite an extensive "arsenal"

and up until late last Winter I didn't own any Hammer products. Then a friend in league showed up with the Raw Hammer Doom and I was really impressed with it's angularity so I bought one used off Ebay. I bought another just a week ago and drilled it up today (it's as awesome as the first one and even more aggressive with it's stacked leverage drilling). I'm going to construct a 5 ball arsenal of Hammer stuff because I think their current lineup combines the best of both worlds (length, control and awesome hitting power)

In the days of Urethane Hammers were about all I threw (still have a Blue Hammer that sees occasional use) but when I rentered the game after a 5 year hiatus for some reason I just wasn't attracted to the Hammer line so I threw mostly Storm and Brunswick. I must say though that the Raw Doom has been the first ball in years that truly excites me. It's controllable even when you crank it up. It was made to rev and snap. The carry is awesome.

I live in Minnesota and see very little Hammer equipment being used (mostly Brunswick and Storm). Everytime I pull out the doom-- whether in practice or competition--I'm asked: "what it is? Sure is a nice looking ball." Then they see how long it goes and how many boards it crosses in the last 10 feet and they are simply amazed. Yet, I still don't see anyone throwing it in these parts.

So, brands do seem to be rather regional. Most likely because pro shops become aligned with certain brands and tend to carry only those that they've become familar with over the years. Hammer lost a bit of its mystique when they were acquired by Ebonite and I think many people consider them to be one in the same. I own an Ebonite "Big One" and am not very impressed with it even though it got great reviews online. So, while I'm not much of a fan of Ebonite I sure do like my Hammer and can't wait to check out the Black Widow, Hawg Zilla, Pain and Vibe.

Edited on 8/4/2006 2:02 AM


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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #9 on: August 04, 2006, 10:32:55 AM »
Very funny Gary!! At least I can keep all my balls at home where they belong!!

You have to keep your balls at work to hide them from your wife!! LOL..
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Re: Hammer moving on up.
« Reply #10 on: August 04, 2006, 10:34:31 AM »
To answer a question, Faball in a long, round-about way became Visionary.
That's right. I said it!