I'm of the opinion that it's operator error and not necessarily the ball. The other thing is that sometimes houses change the oil pattern in the middle of the season and often they put less oil down. With a ball like the Black Widow, it needs head oil to get down the lane with enough energy to turn the corner. It could very well be that the surface adjustment to 2000 grit is either making the ball roll out early and quit or hook early. You could try taking the surface back up to 4000, but the big thing is I think your ball speed is inconsistent, which would explain your results. I haven't thrown a Black Widow yet, but I think that when I do, it'll react similar to my Domination where I'll be able to play straighter on the fresh oil for about a game or so, and then I'll have to move left and "send it and bend it". That's just a guess though.