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Author Topic: add length to BWB?  (Read 2271 times)


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add length to BWB?
« on: July 03, 2008, 03:32:49 PM »
Wanted to polish my Black Widow Bite to give it a little more length, but my favorite pro-shop is closed till Monday.

Would putting it in the Lustre King (yes... I know it's wax, not polish) be a very bad idea? Would it clog the pores and kill the reaction, or would it be a suitable means of seeing approximately how the ball would react with polish?

Edited on 7/3/2008 11:33 PM



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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2008, 01:36:21 AM »
Do you have any polish?  You can polish it by hand, but it normally won't be as good as doing it on a spinner.


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #2 on: July 04, 2008, 02:13:31 AM »
I would not even try a wax polish on a porous resin coverstock like the BWB's. While you might get a good shine on it and added length, I am not sure what you do to the porous surface. You might even kill the ball's reaction and damage the surface, the ball might need a complete resurfacing job after this treatment. I would not do it, rather change hand psoition or get some "real" ball polish and apply it by hand.
DizzyFugu - Reporting from Germany

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DizzyFugu ~ Reporting from Germany


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #3 on: July 04, 2008, 06:05:20 AM »
Wanted to polish my Black Widow Bite to give it a little more length, but my favorite pro-shop is closed till Monday.

Would putting it in the Lustre King (yes... I know it's wax, not polish) be a very bad idea?

A very, very, very bad idea, especially if you know its wax. Many have been changed over to compound polishes, but you never know until you check out the individual machine.

But maybe you should do it once, ruin a $225 ball and get this bad feeling out of your system for good.


 Would it clog the pores and kill the reaction, or would it be a suitable means of seeing approximately how the ball would react with polish?

If it's wax, it will clog the pores thoroughly. Potentially, you'd have to sand it down quite a bit, like a full resurfacing to clear out the wax. Even then it might not get all the wax. But sure, go ahead, have fun!
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Edited on 7/4/2008 6:05 AM
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #4 on: July 04, 2008, 06:48:12 AM »
A prime example why folks need a small bottle of polish at home. Done by hand is slower, not as uniform but still gives you a chance to see without ruining the ball. Don't like the results, take it off , try something different.

IMO, PLEASE DO NOT use that machine !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #5 on: July 04, 2008, 07:51:44 AM »
Fast go to the next pro shop.
Faster go to the next Mart an buy some non abrasive polish like 3M Polish ( i use Perfect-it III 09376)
Extreme Fast use more tilt till Monday

Extreme NOGO using Wax or anything you don't know
it's almost always the indian and not the arrow
yes and i like this one also
don't go for a strike, go for a sure spare, we need 5 pins to win


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #6 on: July 04, 2008, 09:43:48 AM »
Thank you, all.

Actually... I didn't know for sure whether the particular Lustre King machine at my center used wax, but I figured it was safer to presume so. And I was going to ask about polishing by hand, but thought I would get a whole bunch of people telling me to buy a spinner.  

AND--- then my next question would have been....what kind of Polish was safe to use and where to get it, and Leonidas, you've pretty much answered that one. believe the "3M Polish (Perfect-it III 09376)" is safe. But if I can't find that, are there some guidelines for Polish (similarly to ball-cleaning substances)? Like certain ingredients or strengths to avoid?



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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #7 on: July 04, 2008, 09:57:21 AM »
As many bowlers there are, there's a difference of opinions on cleaners/polish.

Basic everyday cleaner, Simple Green/Water does a good job and is in most households.

Deeper cleaner, PowerHouse Clean N Dull.

Polish, general one is PowerHouse Factory Finish, adding a bit of length, Delayed Reaction is fine, Storm also makes several good polishes as does Brunswick. It is almost whichever company you like the best. IMO there's not a huge difference in most of them ( given the difference if they have abrasives or not).

Good Luck !
az guy aka: R & L Bowlers Pro

Some Good Reading


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #8 on: July 04, 2008, 11:46:29 AM »
oh... I wasn't so much concerned about the safety of any products I would get in the pro-shop (or from an online bowling site). In case I didn't make it to a pro-shop in next couple days (or if they were all closed), and found myself at Target, Walmart, K-Mart, etc... in the Polishes section, I was wondering how to judge the safety of those products.

Still... I am glad you reminded me that the polishing products are available at the pro-shops. Been using plain rubbing alcohol for cleaning, that I had stopped noticing the other products available.


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Re: add length to BWB?
« Reply #9 on: July 09, 2008, 01:17:56 AM »
Just an update...

Had my BWB polished and so far I like the results. Goes longer and snaps hard. Is more skid-flippy, which I realize is a bad thing in some folks eyes, but that is what I expected when I bought this ball.

It now saves a lot more of it's energy and seems to require less effort to throw. Before it would alternately burn up before reaching the pins or slide past it's intended breakpoint when a little too much speed was added. Is much more controllable now in terms of how angular it is from shot to shot and how predictable it's path is. Bowled an effortless 244 and a 245 with it in it's polished state tonight. In it's OOB finish, had a few games over 260 (including a 289), but way too many stinkers along with those.

Only thing that concerns me, is that it can't handle quite as much oil. stronger than the Anger. But until I polished it, it didn't really have a niche in my arsenal. Burned up too fast for medium oil, went to long on heavy oil. Now.... it kind of fits nicely between my Anger and my Ebonite Raid. Deeper than the Anger and a smidgen earlier than the Raid, with a somewhat more skid-flip reaction than either of those two balls.

So far... I am happy with the results of ths experiment.