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Author Topic: Black widow cover rumors  (Read 5058 times)


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Black widow cover rumors
« on: August 08, 2007, 08:23:59 AM »
I spoke with a friend that works for Ebonite International that there is no sharing of covers and cores going on in between any of the four companies.

In fact he said that they keep it fresh and each company is trying to out do each other by each doing it's own research and development. That ball test data from these tests are not shared with other brand managers and the brand managers are not told in advance of the other brands even having a test.

So there you have it no sharing of information and competition between themselves which is good for the Track,Columbia, Hammer and the Ebonite lovers.

Edited on 8/8/2007 4:24 PM

Edited on 8/8/2007 4:35 PM



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Re: Black widow cover rumors
« Reply #16 on: August 09, 2007, 07:44:35 PM »
Charl---My life is great, thank you.  I just don't buy sunshine when they are
giving it away nextdoor.

Edited on 8/9/2007 7:19 PM

Sunshine is always free; it's yours to accept or reject.
"None are so blind as those who will not see."
"None are so blind as those who will not see."


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Re: Black widow cover rumors
« Reply #17 on: August 10, 2007, 12:29:08 AM »
I don't know anyone that works for Ebonite.  I don't know anyone that works for any of the other companies' that Ebonite owns.  However, I just can't believe that Ebonite doesn't share their coverstocks with the other companies.  They may not be the same exact covers but tweaked versions of them seem more realistic.

It just doesn't make much sense that each company would act completely separate from each other and not share info.

I personally don't care one way or the other.  I will use equipment from all companies except Brunswick.

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Re: Black widow cover rumors
« Reply #18 on: August 10, 2007, 12:42:56 AM »
 To add to my Tag Team partner's comments,

Track HAS been and WILL continue on the forefront in technology and high performance equipment. We were never known for how good our "dry" lane equipment was but rather the strength in equipment we could provide to the public. This is where Ron H and Randy T shine! You folks wouldn't even believe me if I told you how many veneers (thanks to Randy T) we have at Ebonite and how far advanced Ron H is in core design and what he has planned for the future of Track.

Our goal is to bring to you guys the best possible reactions that work on today's conditions to help give all of you Track fans the advantage that you deserve.

Carl and I not only being under Tech Support will also have quite a bit of input as to what our future Track pieces should look like. Please feel free to tell us what "YOU" want and we'll do what we can to provide the BEST of the BEST to you!! Thank you for being a loyal Legion member....
Rick Leong - Ten Pins Pro Shop
Track Intl - Tech Support
Vise Inserts Staff
Dexter Advisory Staff

Just thought I would paste this from the Track forum.  He mentions that Ron H from Ebonite has a lot of veneers over at Ebonite.  

He's talking about Track using Ebonites technology and resins for their new coverstocks.

Listen Ebonite is the parent company.  Their going to share their coverstock technology with Track, Hammer and Columbia.  If someone has told you otherwise are playing you for a fool.  The reason I say this is because it wouldn't make any sense for them not too share coverstocks.  Of course they may tweak them hear and there.

Chances are PBA pro P.Allen would match up well with Hammer, Columbia and the new Track because he matches up with Ebonite.  

Bears are Super Bowl bound!


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Re: Black widow cover rumors
« Reply #19 on: August 10, 2007, 11:05:07 AM »
I never said Ron was not the source for veneer's, i said they are not using exact formula's on others products. Yes i am sure that Ron has X amount of unused resin bases that are similar to other cover's whether it is oil absorbing or not.

So tweaking yes that would be a great call, exact cover's on each ball that is doubtful. Morich does the same thing he tweaks different Brunswick cover's to his liking, again i had a direct conversation with him about this at the Eliminator 2 years ago.

So maybe it is marketing and all lie's possible sure, Zoobowling is not bothering me at all.

Nextbowler is local moron that we actually know each other and hate each other's guts to be honest, i would do something but the jerk is 65 years old and gets off screwing with me on here.

Edited on 8/10/2007 11:05 AM


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Re: Black widow cover rumors
« Reply #20 on: August 10, 2007, 12:58:01 PM »
Not to upset anybody.Does it really matter if the use the same covertocks.As long as the balls perform well.The Black widow has been an awesome performing ball.I trust Ron and Randy in the R&D department.They know what they are going and we benefit in the long run.The only way we are going to know if they share covers is to be in the plant when they pour the resins into the mold and thats not going to happen.
Dannial Cohen
 Ebonite Regional staffer/turbo