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Author Topic: Help on raw hammer acid.  (Read 936 times)


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Help on raw hammer acid.
« on: January 30, 2009, 03:05:12 PM »
Hi, I got a raw hammer acid and was wondering where it would fit in my arsenal. Right now i have a cell (pro pin) drilled with pin above bridge and lightly polished, a track heat, a wrath dead flush, and a sonic x with basic drills. So my question is, where would the acid fit if i put the rico drill on it and what kind of conditions would it be best on. My ball speed is around 17-18mph and i have high revs. Couple video's of me can be found below. Thanks.
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Re: Help on raw hammer acid.
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2009, 11:42:47 PM »
1st off. By watching your videos, you most certainly are not throwing anywhere close to 17-18 MPH. You're probably clocking in around the 15 MPH range. Sorry to burst your bubble, but accurate information is a must.

The Acid will fit below your Cell, but easily above the WDF, Heat, and Sonic X, in terms of oil handling and strength throughout the lane. Expect the Acid to be earlier than everything but the Cell. The Acid, with a Rico drill, will probably stay happiest on conditions with a good amount of head/midlane oil. I wouldn't recommend throwing it on anything less than true a medium oil, as it will lose energy too quickly to be efficient. Your other balls would be much more suited to that.

to the pits!