I was given one as a birthday gift this past weekend. I had it drilled @ Hands on Pro-Shop in Westport, MA, by Ron Rusin. I recieved the HIGHEST level of care and professionalism. He re-fit me and drilled up the ball for me. I have NEVER fit into a ball so well, out of over 50 different balls in my "career" bowling.
But, about the ball:
Initially I was having trouble finding a decent shot. I shot 173 the first game (Sadface). I ended up pushing 5 boards right, and getting the ball out between middle and 3rd arrow, to about the 4-5 board. The second game, I settled down and shot 244. Once I had a good look, I capitalized on it. I shot 235 for the final game. I ended up shooting 652 for series.
This ball never quit. Nice strong, continuous back end. I would definitely recommend this ball to anyone looking a heavy - medium/heavy oil conditions.
I just came back to bowling after a 3 year leave. I had a knee surgery, and life had other plans for me at the time. I am averaging about 192 after tonight. I was a huge Brunswick fan. I fell in love with the early BVP series, then I got into the Inferno series. But this ball has DEFINITELY opened my eyes. This ball hits like a hammer.
Another Satisfied Customer