This ball is a long ball and can be a dart, I scuffed it with a 2k pad by hand. It now goes about 50 feet and makes a left turn, on medium oil with carrydown it does not move for normal handed bowlers.
It is not what i had hoped it to be, probably going to use resurrection as the finish next set and give it some nuts. I did score 224 with it on a game 3 of league last night so it does hit well when you can use it.
It makes my BW Pearl look strong not even close to a Bite or Solid overall, personally I would pass on this ball but since I have it why not make it work.
A step down from a Playmaker, Black Pearl, Arch Rival which is 2-3 steps over it just not a good release IMO.
I have a Blue Vibe that will outhook the Venom on the same lane conditions and any of the other balls mentioned make it look really bad.
Think of a bad copy of the Rapid Fire and you have the Venom, oil or not so far not a great ball.