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Author Topic: Black Widow Venom Advice  (Read 7650 times)


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Black Widow Venom Advice
« on: August 13, 2008, 05:56:44 PM »
I had the ball drilled up last night and its drilled to go long with a strong snap off the backend. I threw ball on dry lanes and it never moved. The ball just kept going and going. Im contemplating scuffing the ball up to get it to move more.

Can anyone offer some helpful tips please?

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Edited on 8/14/2008 6:40 PM
Tony Hubert - Radical Bowling Technologies Regional Staff Member

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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2008, 06:57:03 AM »
What is your definition of dry lanes (i.e. what part of the lane was there friction), did you throw any other balls, what line(s) did you try, how is this ball drilled (especially the mass bias)?

The coverstock alone should react to friction so you should've seen somekind of move out of the ball.  It's possible that you didn't have enough head oil so the ball puked as soon as it hit lane, but you still should've been able to see the coverstock grab.

Scuffing the surface will make a ball grab more in oil and in general smooth a ball out at the break point.  Not sure that this is the answer for you...

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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2008, 06:57:13 AM »
What is your definition of dry lanes (i.e. what part of the lane was there friction), did you throw any other balls, what line(s) did you try, how is this ball drilled (especially the mass bias)?

The coverstock alone should react to friction so you should've seen somekind of move out of the ball.  It's possible that you didn't have enough head oil so the ball puked as soon as it hit lane, but you still should've been able to see the coverstock grab.

Scuffing the surface will make a ball grab more in oil and in general smooth a ball out at the break point.  Not sure that this is the answer for you...


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2008, 06:57:27 AM »
What is your definition of dry lanes (i.e. what part of the lane was there friction), did you throw any other balls, what line(s) did you try, how is this ball drilled (especially the mass bias)?

The coverstock alone should react to friction so you should've seen somekind of move out of the ball.  It's possible that you didn't have enough head oil so the ball puked as soon as it hit lane, but you still should've been able to see the coverstock grab.

Scuffing the surface will make a ball grab more in oil and in general smooth a ball out at the break point.  Not sure that this is the answer for you...
-Chris: DJ's Pro Shop : Auburn, MA


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2008, 09:55:59 AM »
My opinion is basically the same as Goof's: make sure you had enough oil to start with. The Venom is not a dry lanes ball by any stretch.

Odd that you had to drill it to go long with a strong snap at the back, as that is its very nature. A normal drilling should get that reaction.

I believe its intended oil amount for the average revs, average ball speed bowler is medium to medium-heavy oil. Let's say if the original Black Widow doesn't work on that oil, the Venom won't.
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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2008, 06:40:30 PM »
Ill provide a description of the layout when I get off work.

I threw the Black Widow and Black V2 and the balls were wheeling the lane.
The lanes were dry, after league around 10pm. I threw 15 games from 10-midnight and even with the 15th game the ball didnt move. I played the same line, trying to get it to bump off the driest part of the lane near the gutter and it did nothing. There was some oil in the midlane when I started, but the ball had no reaction there either.

The drilling is close to the #3 hammer drilling according to the pro shop guy. Ill take a photo and post it later tonight.

Goof - I may need to scuff the ball in order to get it to move. I was just looking for some advice from anyone thats thrown it or knows more about the ball than I do.

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Tony Hubert - Radical Bowling Technologies Regional Staff Member

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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2008, 06:59:48 PM »
are you coming around the ball, getting too much side rotation and throwing the ball too hard to react????
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Edited on 8/14/2008 7:00 PM


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2008, 07:15:29 PM »
I agree with charlest.. this ball shouldn't be drilled to go long , it is already designed to do that.. should be drilled with normal layouts.. a freind of mine throws nothing but hammer and this ball bounces hard off the dry.. you shouldn't have scuff it either, straight out of the box should have worked.. this ball does need oil in the heads otherwise it is going to just puke really fast.. and if the lanes were really dry like you said , its not going to work at all... without seeing or knowing how you throw the ball and what kind of revs and speed you put on it, its hard to say.. if your speed is up and you put a skid flip layout in the ball you just might have to dull it to get it to read the lanes.. sounds like a drilling error, you might have picked the wrong layout to use..


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2008, 11:33:17 AM »
This ball is a long ball and can be a dart, I scuffed it with a 2k pad by hand. It now goes about 50 feet and makes a left turn, on medium oil with carrydown it does not move for normal handed bowlers.

It is not what i had hoped it to be, probably going to use resurrection as the finish next set and give it some nuts. I did score 224 with it on a game 3 of league last night so it does hit well when you can use it.

It makes my BW Pearl look strong not even close to a Bite or Solid overall, personally I would pass on this ball but since I have it why not make it work.

A step down from a Playmaker, Black Pearl, Arch Rival which is 2-3 steps over it just not a good release IMO.

I have a Blue Vibe that will outhook the Venom on the same lane conditions and any of the other balls mentioned make it look really bad.

Think of a bad copy of the Rapid Fire and you have the Venom, oil or not so far not a great ball.


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #9 on: August 15, 2008, 12:24:00 PM »
A friend of mine whom is left handed bought a Venom approx. 3 weeks ago. He struggled with it badly the first couple of weeks. The ball would move one throw, not the next, too much the next, not enough the next, and etc. and this guy throws and hits his target as consistant as most of the better bowlers do. However, the ball now probably has 30 games or so on it and for what ever reason the ball has begun to work better for him this past week as it gets tracked up. I will watch and see if it continues to perform for him.
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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #10 on: August 15, 2008, 02:32:23 PM »
I love my Venom. Its drilled pin over the bridge with the cg out and mass bias to the right of the thumb. Its the smoothest rolling ball I own and has a strong move to the pocket for me on fresh house conditions. I just have to play straight up the boards to get the best reaction..

It makes me want to drill more balls with the pin in the bridge..

I have only had mine maybe 10 games and can't wait to use it some more..
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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #11 on: August 15, 2008, 04:23:01 PM »
I will agree with glides through the fronts and then makes a hard move to the pocket, hockey stick ball reaction for me. It does hit well when it actually reads the lane the right way, My playmaker and Black pearl were at least 6-7 boards apiece stronger on the same lanes.

Resurrection left a beautiful matte finish smooth looking, I will try it sunday morning against the new Lane buzzbomb/R and Mystic i just picked up. They should all be in the same strength range, I find some ball just do not like to be polished for some players which means me.

Playmaker and Black Pearl have never been touched and hook plenty overall for me, in playmaker is simply a great ball for the price. Think V2 Sanded with more recovery, big strong arc but readable.

Black pearl flips over harder than the playmaker but is actually longer before it does, it creates alot of backend angle for me.


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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #12 on: August 15, 2008, 07:43:59 PM »
Playmaker and Black Pearl have never been touched and hook plenty overall for me, in playmaker is simply a great ball for the price. Think V2 Sanded with more recovery, big strong arc but readable.


Barry, I just got the Playmaker and the lanes have been much drier than normal the 2 times I have tried it, so I can't entirely judge it yet, but from the little I have been able to use the Playmaker, my initial opinion is that it is definitely a keeper. This Playmaker ball seems to hit extremely hard for me, especially for a 14# ball. League starts next week, so the lanes will have more oil and posibbly be a bit slick as they sometimes are, so I am anxious to see what it will do on that condition. Mean while, I have a problem with the new Playmaker ball I just got Tuesday this week......
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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #13 on: August 16, 2008, 04:36:00 PM »
The is what the ball looks like.


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Edited on 8/16/2008 4:36 PM
Tony Hubert - Radical Bowling Technologies Regional Staff Member

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Re: Black Widow Venom Advice
« Reply #14 on: August 16, 2008, 05:06:11 PM »
a few possibilities that I can think of
1) Depending on your style, if you're throwing this on dry lanes you could be getting a roll out.
2) The ball needs to be taken down surface wise (2k seems to be a good starting point)
3) You're trying to throw the ball harder than you normally throw everything else and overthrowing it.
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