Actually, the Doom is going to be stronger than what your Vicious Attack was. The Doom has a higher differential than the V.A., with a similar RG and a much stronger coverstock.
A better reccomendation for replacing your Vicious Attack would be a VIBE. This ball has a very similar RG and Diff rating to the V.A., with the weaker CT Reactive Coverstock that could be considered comparable to the cover on the Vicious Attack.
There you have it!
I would go with the Vibe, my friend. However, I would probably hit the Vibe with a 1000-Grit Abralon Pad to give you a similar coverstock prep. Ball technology has come such a long way recently that the low-end equipment of today is quite similar to the high-end stuff of yesterday, lol! Hope this helps.
-The Slop-
EBONITE: BOWL TO WINMission Statement: We the willing, led by the unknowing, are doing the impossible for the ungrateful. We have done so much for so long with so little that we are now qualified to do anything with nothing. Thank you.Edited on 11/16/2006 8:17 AM