We finally hooked up and bowled a few games.
The retun was mostly filled with Raw Dooms.
Had a lot of fun. I think Chitown did, also.
He's is right about altering the cover on the Dooms.I think hae is set up for next season...
I used my Raw Doom and EPX-T1...I hsot 708 with the Raw Doom, switched to the EPX which just did not carry the same as the Doom.
I shot 250-something the last game with the Doom, could have shot 300 except for a stubborn 7 pin and a stubborn 3 pin.
I'm thinking of buying another Doom, and knocking the polish off the cover, for heavier oil. I imagine that would work as well as buying a PAIN.
Chi, good bowling once, you found out there was an arrow left of 3rd.
I left my cell phone at the lanes, they called me this morning, and told me they had it. Kudos to Mike at Lombard Lanes. I never expected to see my new Razor again.
Duke Harding
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