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Author Topic: cherry vibe coming tomarrow  (Read 1508 times)


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cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« on: September 17, 2007, 01:03:55 PM »
i have a cherry vibe coming tomarrow with the following specs. 15.02 oz. 3 oz of top weight its a 2-3" closer to 3. i want  it to be my ths ball. somehting that will be good when they hook but nothing to severe. im looking for something strong but nothing that goes 90 degrees of the dry. last time i got my pap checked it was 4 1/8 -> and 1/2 ^. i normally throw the ball around 16-17 mph with a revrate around 320-340.

just thought id post to see what some peoples thought ideas and or opinions are. thanks in advance..


  Hazleton Area Boys Varsity Bowling. Pa Eastern State Chamions 2007.
JD's Pro Shop - Freeland, PA
" they say i have some voodoo roll "



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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #1 on: September 17, 2007, 09:21:28 PM »
This ball will make a nasty move off the dry. Especially with that rev rate. Pin above bridge and centered is what I've seen the most with that ball. Just keep the side weight down so you have the option of an X-hole to tame it down if its too snappy.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals


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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #2 on: September 19, 2007, 10:25:23 PM »
This ball will make a nasty move off the dry. Especially with that rev rate. Pin above bridge and centered is what I've seen the most with that ball. Just keep the side weight down so you have the option of an X-hole to tame it down if its too snappy.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals

Keep the side weight "down"? If you want to have the maximum options of tweaking the reaction using an x-hole begin with higher limits of positive weight. This gives you a wider parameter to fine tune and still keep the ball with some positive weight. That's not to say going into negative territory is a no-no but if you begin within the the lower limits of positive weight you severely limit your range of flexibility as far as any fine tuning is concerned.


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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #3 on: September 19, 2007, 11:05:16 PM »
Oops, my bad. thats what I meant but it didnt come out that way.
TEAM HammerHead
2008 USBC Nationals


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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #4 on: September 19, 2007, 11:15:47 PM »
Better idea.
I have a Cherry Vibe, and a higher rev rate.  My pin is above my RF, and the CG is swung left, with a bit of negative weight in it.  This ball gets down the lane, very well.  Makes the turn, albeit a bit angular, but it does so very controllably. Anyone else feel this way will work too?


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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #5 on: September 20, 2007, 07:03:42 AM »
Better idea.
I have a Cherry Vibe, and a higher rev rate. My pin is above my RF, and the CG is swung left, with a bit of negative weight in it. This ball gets down the lane, very well. Makes the turn, albeit a bit angular, but it does so very controllably. Anyone else feel this way will work too?

IMO dpends on your technique since you <x59> are a high rev rate bowler probably a 90 to 105 deg. layout would work better.  In my instance on being a medium speed 300-325 105's work well on a more wet/dry without over reaction working from outside angles but when I move inside of 15 at the arrows playing deeper into the lane 105's/135's and weaker layouts leave weak 10's and back row stuff.  When inside I'd rather have a pin over brige <5"-5 1/2" pin to PAP> CG kicked right on the midline on a Cherry Vibe.  My carry is much better with this type of layout on inside angles.  This is probably more because of my technique and rev rate where x59 could get away with 105's/135's.  JMO.  

I'll know pretty soon as I have a Chrry Vibe ordered and going to lay it out pin over bridge 5 1/4" pin to PAP CG kicked right.

FYI.....I asked Brian Graham about Hammer's drilling layouts on their website.  Asked pointedly about the CG in the midgrip area/palm and his stance on CGnomaddah speil.  I said to him in e-mail that I thought whether it's my head or not that I got a better roll with the CG kicked out....he agreed that he saw the same thing.  So, whatever floats your boat.  




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Re: cherry vibe coming tomarrow
« Reply #6 on: September 21, 2007, 12:00:04 AM »
Just got mine yesterday. 3.25" pin and 3.0 oz of top.

250 revs, 15 mph, PAP somewhere around 5 and 1/2 up.

Thinking about pin high, 4" from PAP, and shifting CG slightly right of grip center (to give option of x-hole).

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