I'm looking for input on these two as I'm looking for a heavy oil ball that I can get inside with when needed. I have a gamebreaker, but due to its ultra low rg, it really is very rolly and works better for me when I'm going straighter. These two present choices that are more angular and more agressive overall.
I'm currently leaning toward the Beat'n, but I'm worried about the continuation of the ball. That Hart core design sort of forces the bowler to place the mass bias on the Val, which for me has made stuff relatively mild and has negatively affected the continuation of the ball. If I go with that hart on track drill, the mb (being 90 degrees away) will wind up on my val. I could conceivably take the hart and put it further left (I'm a righty) past the track, to make the mass bias wind up around a 75 degree angle. This would entail a negative sided weight hole (probably). My other option is to cut it with a drill where the hart is on the positive side of the ball, past the val. This would sort of force me to go with a really long pin to pap distance, and a shorter pin out or really large weight hole.
This is where I'm thinking of getting the rising. It has a standard asym core design, but it tends to check up very quickly and not be that angular off the spot.
If anyone has a suggestion about drilling a Beat'n, or about the Rising, it would be welcome.
four fried chickens and a coke[/size=4]
Let me say something, let me say something...