Luv.... I am one of those that tell it like it is... There are some balls in the Hammer line that does not match up with my game, but I have seen the same ball match up better with other styles. In regards to the Bowlermart balls... It has the Vibe core in it, which is a great rolling ball, regardless of what cover is on that ball. PLMK what Vibe ball has not been a good rolling piece? That series has always been underestimated by the bowling community until they tried it out.
In regards to the Vibe XR (blue)... There has been a few people that I have talked to, did not like that ball due to the strong layout they put on it & with the cover being stronger, it rolled out & left 10 pins all night long.
TheGom... I would recommend you drilling the Envy Vibe with the pin up. I drilled mine with the following numbers - 50 x 5 x 30. This layout for me, gives me a strong motion in the midlane, and continuous in the backends... Does not quit. I tend to drill my stuff at 50-65 x 4 1/2"-5" x 30-35 on my pin up pieces... The Vibe XR is about 2-4 boards stronger overall than the Envy Vibe.
I hope this helps out with your questions...