Plague, pin down, mb in strong position, 1000 with a SMIDGE of shine
Lanebreaker, pin down, 1000 grit
Burn, pin up, 500 with a LOT of polish
Midnight Vibe, pin negative, 4000 grit
OK, the plague is awesome. The lanebreaker is coming to the end of it's days. It just isn't hitting hard anymore. The burn WAS good, but just seems to offer too much over-under. The midnight vibe was drilled to be the least hooking ball in my bag, and it is probably JUST under my lanebreaker. I took the shine off of it b/c it was flying off the dry boards.
I am looking for a ball that's below everything. week drill grind? Backlash?
I also would like something i can go to right after the plague, when the P is burning up and not knocking the 10 out.
Drew Jordan
Columbus, OH