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Author Topic: my No Mercy beat'n  (Read 3687 times)


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my No Mercy beat'n
« on: February 14, 2008, 06:03:59 AM »
The ball just doesnt seem to do anything its like a spare ball.  It doesnt seem like it rolls right down the lane.  Im left handed i play like between the 2-3 dot and throw like at the second arrow.  It doesnt seem like it has a backend and any movement.  Ive asked on other forums but they say its drill correctly.  But i think i read somewhere that the no mercy series, are supposed to be drilled a diffrent way then the norm.  On the hammer website it says the mass bias is low not sure but i think the widows say the bais is high. (really have no idea what mass bias means but i think  a low one is harder to drill?  

At the proshop i dont think the guy looked at or read the papaer when marking the ball for my figures.  He just asked me to throw a ball and he looked at the oil on it.  and asked me what i wanted to do.  I took it back and got resurfaced.  It still didnt help.


Edited on 2/14/2008 3:05 PM

Edited on 2/14/2008 3:05 PM

Edited on 2/14/2008 3:22 PM


six pack

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Re: my No Mercy beat'n
« Reply #16 on: February 15, 2008, 05:08:07 PM »
How far is the pin from your pap?

I know a couple people that didn't like the NO MERCY because their drillers placed the pin in too strong of a position.  The No Mercy balls are very strong.  If the pin is in too strong of a location then your not going to get a big back end movement from the ball.

The only other option is maybe the lanes have too much oil on them?  Have you tried this ball on another pair of lanes or at another center?

I think chitown is correct as the layout looks great to me.what type of lanes do you bowl on?I remember mine would roll out so fast in the one house I bowled at that I never used it there.knowing you're pap would help alot as this ball was very release specific.tuneing the cover would be the best way to tell,if you bowl on heavy oil on proanvilanes I would knock the cover down to 1000 and see.if you bowl on wood lanes I would polish it up a little.
The harder I try the harder they fall
The harder I try the harder they fall


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Re: my No Mercy beat'n
« Reply #17 on: February 15, 2008, 05:47:46 PM »
nels 84

You have some options before a plug job I think. You could take the ball to another reputable driller that is known to be good. Get a second opinion so to speak. I don't want to get your hopes up but sometimes the driller can drill the fingers holes or one finger hole deeper. The ball will have to be weighed on the scales to see how much excess weight you have and where. We are looking at a picture and a lot of opinions are based on that. Possible weight, hole to remove excess weight and it does not have to be on the PAP. I am blessed with having a great ball driller and I know what he would do if he made a mistake. He would say "I don't know how this ball is going to taste, because I am going to have to eat It." Your original driller might make amends, that is another option. I hate to have to plug a new ball if I don't have to, but that is just me.
