Hey fellow hammerheads i have a big problem? I was cleaning and putting new tape in my Bite and i sat it on the floor next to my computer..(Now I dont have a air vent next to my computer). Well earlier today, I went to get my Bite and when i picked it up, I saw there was 2 rigid cracks on opposite sides of the ball and looks like the coverstock has small little bubble. But the cracks are not on my track.... Ive only had the ball since may or june, i cant remember and maybe have 50 - 80 games on it and recently had it redrilled and had the MB moved over a "1 right of my thumb and went to a fingertip grip...I take care of my equipment and just wonder has this happen to anyone with there Bite or any other equipment..Now i am guilty of leaving my balls in the trunk of my car once in a while, but this is the first ball that ive ever seen crack like this....What should I do?