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Author Topic: BWP and Toxic  (Read 1733 times)


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BWP and Toxic
« on: June 21, 2007, 04:51:01 PM »

I am considering some Hammer products for the upcoming fall league.  I am currently using ebonite, but I am liking what I see from Hammer, plus some of the special offers online are hard to pass up.

I was just wondering if there would be any overlap between the Toxic and BWP for THS.  

I am looking at a 3 ball arsenal of the BWP, toxic and cherry vibe.

Thanks in advance for your help!



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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 01:13:30 AM »
The BWP is going to be a good deal stronger both in total hook and break point angle compared to the Toxic. However, they both fall into the "skid/snap" category, which won't leave you with much versatility when making adjustments. You would be better off going with a BWP and a Doom or Road Hawg, then the Cherry Vibe. This will give more variation in reaction shape.


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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #2 on: June 22, 2007, 01:33:12 AM »
Thanks for the input.

I have a few other balls lying around that give me that reaction.  Just as of late, I have a lot more success going with skid/snap reaction.

With the current coverstocks available, "skid-snap" isn't as uncontrollable off the point for me.  So I was looking for equipment that would allow me a sort of "step-down" arsenal.  Where I can open with one ball, and change to another with a similar reaction shape as the condition requires.

Edited on 6/22/2007 1:33 AM

Edited on 6/22/2007 1:33 AM


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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #3 on: June 23, 2007, 09:32:25 AM »
The BWP and Toxic are pretty similar on a medium volume medium length house shot. However, with such a strong revving core, the BWP, given similar drillings on both balls, will tend to read up in the mids a bit sooner than the Toxic.

Overall, if you bowl mostly on house conditions ("upcoming fall league"), then I would not reccomend having BOTH of these balls. Way too much overlap for a league bowler, in my opinion.

The only instance where I would reccomend both is if you were to have a weaker/longer drilling on the Toxic (something like pin 5" plus from PAP) and a much stronger drilling with a little surface on the Black Widow Pearl(2000 grit finish, label leverage type of layout, or possibly pin-down within 4" to PAP).

A better bet to finish out your arsenal, since you already have a Toxic, would be something like the original Black Widow, the No Mercy, or the new No Mercy Beat'n. If you prefer "skid-snap" reactions, all of those balls have the potential to give you skid-snap when thrown on the PROPER LANE CONDINTIONS. Obviously, if you pull out a No Mercy on a medium shot, the thing is going to read up way too quickly and give you a more even look with an undesireable entry angle to the pocket. You should round out your arsenal with something in the upper-end of oil handling capability in case you encounter more oil than usual (even house shots have this on occasion due to open play with dirty backends or a lane machine malfunction). Put a skid-snap layout on one of these stronger, solid cover balls and you will have a great tool for carrydown and a more well-balanced arsenal going forward.

Best of luck.


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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #4 on: June 23, 2007, 11:49:24 AM »
BrooklynSlop-Thank you for the informative post.  As it stands right now, I don't have either ball.  So that definitely gives me some insight.  I guess I will have to decide which of the two I want to with (prob. the BWP).

Either way, thanks again-gives me much more insight as to what I should be looking for.


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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #5 on: June 23, 2007, 12:39:33 PM »
many people say the toxic is gets down the lane easliy...but mine sure doesnt...i have to have oil up front or my toxic stands up and goes left..i threw a friends bwp with similar drill and my toxic was still more ball on the backend... and the bwp cleared heads easier
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Re: BWP and Toxic
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2007, 01:36:47 PM »
I saw a couple people in a PBA league throw both balls.

I couldn't see the layouts, but the Toxic definitely went a few feet longer and had a stronger backend motion.

The BWP still got cleanly through the heads, checked up a bit earlier and made a smoother turn to pocket.

I saw the BWP put back in the bag earlier, so I figured the BWP may have had a more aggressive cover.  With the two reactions shape, I figured that I could use the BWP out first, as the lanes broke down, moved to the Toxic, and then if need be, the maybe the Cherry Vibe.

For me, the main problem is with 9 other bowlers on the same pair, in generally the same earlier, I have problems with balls checking up and going left by midway through the 2nd or the 3rd game.  So I like ball reactions that push through the heads, go long and give me a strong backend read.  

Edited on 6/23/2007 1:38 PM