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Author Topic: Bite cover  (Read 3909 times)


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Bite cover
« on: March 28, 2008, 06:06:16 AM »
Just curious. How are they holding up after 50+ games???? Have less than 20 on mine and I clean it after each set with Lanemasters cleaner.
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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #1 on: March 28, 2008, 05:39:35 PM »
I clean mine after every set, and probably have well over 50 on it, and it's holding up pretty good. A buddy of mine had one that started tracking up and getting marks in the track after only 5-6 games though.
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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #2 on: March 28, 2008, 09:49:46 PM »
I've over 100 games on mine and recently bowled my highest series ever - a 700 right on the nose (226, 234, and 240).  I also had a 694 series a little over a week ago.  With only a 178 average, I've also had my highest games with this ball - a 277 and 266.  I absolutely could not imagine not having this ball.

I also clean mine right after every set.


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #3 on: March 28, 2008, 10:10:29 PM »
I'm up to about 50 games with mine and have had no problems (other than the fact that I can't throw it consistently...totally my fault, though!).  I clean it after every session (sometimes 2 games, sometimes 10) with just a basic cleaner/de-greaser.  I also give it a hot-water bath after about 20-25 games.  It may be overkill, but, it still looks and performs like it did the day I bought it.  No track marks, no problems.  Now if I could just figure out how to control it!


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #4 on: March 30, 2008, 08:03:58 AM »
Mine has 25 games on it now, I clean it right after every set.
The ball is *dead*, first 15 games it really was a beast and had a very angular backend, now it hooks in midlane and is dead on arrival at the pindeck.
And I'm talking about playing in the same house/same condition, all things being equal.
When I first got this ball, I was thinking about buying an Anger also, so far for that plan.


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #5 on: March 30, 2008, 11:17:43 AM »
I just got one, and I'll be keeping an eye on it.  I haven't done it in the past, but I think I'll start carrying a cleaner with me to the alley to clean it right after league.  Any sign of major reaction loss and into the dishwasher it goes.  I've been a little leery of Ebonite branded covers in the past.  We'll see how this one goes.  I can live with it being a little labor intensive, but if it can't be revived I won't be a happy camper.
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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #6 on: March 30, 2008, 11:26:07 AM »
Mine has 25 games on it now, I clean it right after every set.
The ball is *dead*, first 15 games it really was a beast and had a very angular backend, now it hooks in midlane and is dead on arrival at the pindeck.
And I'm talking about playing in the same house/same condition, all things being equal.
When I first got this ball, I was thinking about buying an Anger also, so far for that plan.

Just from my observations, even with cleaning after every set, occasionally say every 20 games or so the surface on the balls need to be touched up to 4000 grit again, when they start getting any sort of a track they tend to check up early and lose what was the original reaction. This is just what i've noticed and my local shop though on the original and bite.
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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #7 on: March 30, 2008, 02:51:59 PM »
Mine has 25 games on it now, I clean it right after every set.
The ball is *dead*, first 15 games it really was a beast and had a very angular backend, now it hooks in midlane and is dead on arrival at the pindeck.
And I'm talking about playing in the same house/same condition, all things being equal.
When I first got this ball, I was thinking about buying an Anger also, so far for that plan.

Just from my observations, even with cleaning after every set, occasionally say every 20 games or so the surface on the balls need to be touched up to 4000 grit again, when they start getting any sort of a track they tend to check up early and lose what was the original reaction. This is just what i've noticed and my local shop though on the original and bite.
-------------------- NO TROLLS

YES. Over a period of use, the coverstock on a ball will end up at about 600 grit. So even after oil extraction they should be taken back to OOB grit levels. Throwing a 4000 grit ball at 600 grit will not produced your desired results.


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #8 on: April 01, 2008, 08:50:07 AM »
Thanks guys, appreciate the feedback.
Repetition is everything..


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #9 on: April 01, 2008, 09:51:22 PM »
I cleaned mine when I got home from bowling.  It had a fair amount of oil/dirt on the rag, so it will be one to keep up with.  It's in the OOB 4000 grit condition.  Two pocket 7-10's (first ball, nice start ), two 8's, four 9's, three ringing 10's and around 5 other deserved 10's.  Not the prettiest start.  Of course, my team mate had a ton of 10's, two 9's and three 8's, so there was plenty of love to share.    Needless to say, we didn't win any points.
Penn State Proud

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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #10 on: April 03, 2008, 09:24:35 PM »
Second night (different house) was better.  They lengthened the pattern a few weeks ago, but we had a few games shot on our pair before league, so I don't know how that affected things.  Managed to saw out the 7 and shoot a messenger across for the 10 to avoid any pocket 7-10's tonight.  Still had three 9 pins, but two of them were deserved.  I liked the way the Bite read the pattern at this house much better.  Easy length and a good hard arc.  Pulled shots left no worse than a flat 10 and wide shots burned up enough to not head straight for the nose.  Shot about 100 more than the first night, but had the chance to be a pretty big set with some better shot making.  Didn't seem to be as much oil/dirt on the ball tonight.  I don't expect any problems with the cover on this ball.
Penn State Proud

Special thanks to Lane#1 for donations to two consecutive  Ballreviews Get Togethers.

Ron Clifton's Bowling Tip Archive

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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #11 on: April 03, 2008, 09:27:50 PM »
I never clean mine...and it's good.
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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #12 on: April 03, 2008, 09:38:11 PM »
i havent been able to use mine since they changed the shot a few weeks ago.  the ball goes straight cause there's not enough oil(im hoping thats the reason).  hopefully its not dead yet.  if it is, it will be the first one to die on me.  so i had it resurfaced, put it at 4000 abralon, and threw some polish on it yesterday.  will see what happens.

i have close to 75 games on it drilled...ptp 4 3/4" mb to pap 4 1/2"  x-hole 1 1/2" down val


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #13 on: April 07, 2008, 10:37:24 AM »
Mine has 25 games on it now, I clean it right after every set.
The ball is *dead*, first 15 games it really was a beast and had a very angular backend, now it hooks in midlane and is dead on arrival at the pindeck.
And I'm talking about playing in the same house/same condition, all things being equal.
When I first got this ball, I was thinking about buying an Anger also, so far for that plan.

Just from my observations, even with cleaning after every set, occasionally say every 20 games or so the surface on the balls need to be touched up to 4000 grit again, when they start getting any sort of a track they tend to check up early and lose what was the original reaction. This is just what i've noticed and my local shop though on the original and bite.
-------------------- NO TROLLS

YES. Over a period of use, the coverstock on a ball will end up at about 600 grit. So even after oil extraction they should be taken back to OOB grit levels. Throwing a 4000 grit ball at 600 grit will not produced your desired results.

What if I handle the ball with polish and leave it at 600 grit?
how would you compare that reaction to OOB (4000 grit)?
Also, let's say I bring it back to 4000 grit, and after that I polish it (LaneMaster polish) will the coverstock hold longer?
Or would it be needed to resurface it every say 20 games?

Edited on 4/7/2008 10:38 AM


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Re: Bite cover
« Reply #14 on: April 07, 2008, 12:28:00 PM »
I work in a shop that sells a lot of widows (all three of them). The lanes have a lot of backflare tracking. They do this to every ball. I have drilled probably 50 bites. The customers that come into the shop and get us to clean them on the spinner once a week and put them back to factory 4000 abralon are having a lot more success than the ones that purchase cleaners and dont have a spinner. The heat that builds with the spinner makes it tackier and more true. This is what I have seen in my shop, and my suggestions is to go ahead and once a week go to the shop and get it cleaned and back to factory