Learn how to move your target depth.
It will help you adjust to varying lane conditions and fine tune carry without moving horizontally. Sometimes lane conditions are such that horizontal moves get you in more trouble.
Everything feels uncomfortable at first until you get used to it. So don't let yourself be limited by being 'uncomfortable'.
The problem with targetting the foul line is that when the lane breaks down you have to move left or die. Unless you can start moving your target down lane. If you start targetting somewhere in the middle, like the arrows, then you can either draw your targetting back to the second set of dots, the foul line dots or even go further down the lane to the splice or even further. I use the main cap seams as a referance to how far I am targetting.
But the main thing you want to really get a hold of is visualizing your ball path including breakpoint. If you do not do this, then targetting the foul line can lead you to a wider margin of error if your angles are off just a bit. Because if they are off a tiny bit at the foul line they are maginfied at the pins. 60 feet of perspective does that. So whether your primary target is at the foul line or the next set of dots or the arrows, you need to have a ball path visualized with the break point being your secondary target.
Now in the course of targetting the foul line, if you are actually not getting your ball over the foul line, then you should adjust that. First of all a lot of foul lines are raised through age and they will send your ball off tragectory. You also transfer oil and debris onto the approach that most people use right up to the foul line itself. So you are damaging the approaches and making them dangerous for other bowlers and stand a good chance at damaging your equipment. IF you do not get your ball over the foul line. I have not seen your bowl, so I don't know if that's the case. But with a lot of people that target very close like you do, they do not get their ball over the foul line.
Adressing your fear of fouling. YOU WILL NOT FOUL!!! No matter where you stand up or back. Your head will not let you foul. You might have to shorten your steps but you will not foul.
Don't try to change as drastically as going straight to the arrows. Practise. First aim at the next set of dots. Make sure you have your balance and look at where your feet are. Are you feet before the foul line or a few inches? If you want to become more versital, then work on targetting depth. Because when you start gaining ability and confidence in this technique it will open up a whole new bag of tricks for you.