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Author Topic: Cherry Vibe, Raw Anger and Black Widow Pearl thoughts after today...  (Read 1151 times)


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I had a chance to use the Cherry Vibe and Raw Anger for the first time this morning and was very impressed with both balls.. Keep in mind this center has  synthetic lanes that where freshly oiled.. All balls where OOB finish..

The layout on the Cherry is 4 in pin to pap which placed the pin right beside the ring with the cg under my midline in the palm area.. I was able to swing 15 to 5 with this ball no problem The carry was great unless I got it out a tad bit to far and then I would leave a flat 10.. I never used the original Purple Vibe but I did have a Blue Vibe and this ball is at least 5 boards stronger in overall hook than the Blue and they where both drilled with very similar pin up drillings.

The layout on the Raw Anger is 4 in pin to pap which placed the pin to the right and up a smidge with the pin on the midline and in the palm area.. This ball eats up oil!! I could swing this ball out just about as far as I wanted and it would come screaming back. No quit in this ball.. I was also about to play a deep inside shot with this ball that I could never play with the Pain. I did have a Pain drilled up very similar to this ball and the Anger is at least 5 boards stronger off the breakpoint than the Pain and mcuh more continuous thru the pins. The carry was great.. Just a couple of ringing 10's.. I can see the Anger making alot of people ""angry" when fall league rolls back around!! LOL..

I did use the Black Widow Pearl again today and I am more impressed today that the first time out last week.. In case no one read that post, the BWP layout is 4 3/4 pin to pap which placed the pin above the ring finger with the cg on the midline and the mass bias down and to the right of the thumb by about 1 1/2 inches.. All I did was slow my ball speed down to about 14.75 MPH and I was laying this ball out to the 5 board past the arrows and it came screaming back. The carry on this ball is above average, just like most Hammers.. I had a solid Black Widow and did not like the ball reaction of that ball, but this BWP is just what the doctor ordered for my game.. Its very controllable yet continuious thru the pins..

My games where:

Anger 221
Cherry Vibe 192
BWP 288
BWP 212
Anger 224
BWP 202
Cherry Vibe 204
Anger 245

Not bad scores for the first day out with these balls. I HIGHLY recommend all 3 of these new Hammers and look forward to putting some more games on them this summer..
My first child.. Hannah Allison Kiser born 4/30/2007... My little angel..

Edited on 6/24/2007 4:28 PM
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