Early X-mas present, got it drilled up Saturday night, only got to throw it about 12 frames before the center turned on the "glow bowling", so put it back in the bag. I've read on here where the BW takes some "break-in" period, so, when considering throwing the new toy in a singles tournement today, I was little leary. Ball drilled with pin above and just right of the ring finger, cg kicked out a bit, and mass bias about 1" right of thumb. Pin, CG, and MB pretty much in line. Weigh out showed 1 oz finger, 1/2 ounce side weight. Getting back to tourny, shot three game series with 738, last game in set a 289, with a stone 10 pin in the 11th frame. Ball is awesome, lanes about 36 fresh oil, squeeky clean back end. Standing left foot outside 1st dot on left, throwing between 3rd and 2nd arrow to about 3 board, ball came back with a vengence. Can't wait for the "break-in" period to finally get here. Any comments on keeping ball OOB finish, or should I dress it down to 2000?