New to the forum and just started back to bowling in September 2007 after a 20 year hiatus. Obviously…my bowling equipment was a little out of date…to say the least! Had an original black urethane Hammer and a Nail (I loved this ball).
So…I have started my new arsenal by adding an Anger back in October. House shot called for a ball that can handle oil as my league is the first shift. I play the ball around 12 to 5 and this ball freaking hits like a truck. I get so many comments on that. My Anger is drilled with the pin just below ring finger and a weight hole on the side. I’m a tweener throwing the ball around 16-17 mph averaging around 200 (and going up).
So the problem at hand (not really a problem)…what ball is next in the arsenal? I want to have a solid medium to light oil ball. I’ve looked at other companies…but being a Hammerhead and not ever really thrown any thing else…I am staying here.
As the subject suggests…I have narrowed the field to Doom, Cherry Vibe and Blue Vibe. Being that I have been away from the game for a while…I am not sure about skid/flip balls. I have and am more of an “arc†thrower. I heard/read that the Blue Vibe is more “arc-y†than it’s Cherry counterpart. But I have also heard/read that the Blue Vibe may tend towards the light oil? Guess one could modify the coverstock. Then there is the Doom…which is where I am currently leaning, since it is in the same family of balls as the Anger. From watching video reviews…it also seems to react in a way that fits me…but heard things both ways in terms of it not coming back or coming back like a truck.
So any thought would be appreciated! Thanks!
-Bob catchy signature yet.