Hey again,
I posted in the Brunswick forum looking for a current ball comparable to the Radical Inferno. I'm here to ask about suggestions for a ball similar to the Onyx Vibe. I know there are still vibes out, but the Cobalt, Grape, and Midnight versions don't appear to be quite as strong as what I remember the Onyx being. (I throw a cobalt vibe myself, and I remember covering much more of the lane, with great backend angle, using both the Onyx and Cherry vibes in the past).
I'm looking for these suggestions for my girlfriend who just returned to bowling this season after a pregnancy. She dropped from 15# to 14, and traded away both the Radical and Onyx that she used to average 190-195 with. She prefers Hammer and Brunswick (so I guess suggestions could include the sister companies of each of these brands).