New member, first post:
I coincidentally find myself with the same question!
As a 63 year old, back into bowling after many decades, I joined a senior league back in December and spent the last months learning the modern game as much as I could. I bought (on the advise of the local PSO) an Ebonite Cyclone.
I don't have very high revs or ball speed but am learning the fundamental mechanics and lane conditions. At this point, I'd like something stronger than the Cyclone (especially on a little heaver oil) so as to learn what other balls can do and what I can do with them.
I'm also considering the Gambreaker 2 MVP or the Hammer Dark Legend. My question: Is the GB2 a big enough step up from a Cyclone for me to see a significant difference in ball motion? Will the Dark Legend be too big a jump and I won't be able to control it (it's a little scary!)
Some say "baby steps, don't jump in the deep end of the pool!" Others say "get the hook in a box, you'll learn it!"
Any advice greatly appreciated.